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Revision: 49038
at October 6, 2012 09:20 by rumremix

Updated Code
.bulletsAvailable ul, .bulletsAvailable ol {margin-left: 20px;}
.bulletsAvailable ul {list-style-type: circle;}
.bulletsAvailable ul li, .bulletsAvailable ol li {display: list-item; float:none; }
.bulletsAvailable ul li { list-style-type:disc; }
.bulletsAvailable ol li { list-style-type:decimal; }

Revision: 49037
at July 14, 2011 10:57 by rumremix

Initial Code
.tabViewer .tabContent ul, .tabViewer .tabContent ol {margin-left: 20px; list-style-type: circle;}
.tabViewer .tabContent ul li, .tabViewer .tabContent ol li {display: list-item; float:none; list-style-type:disc; }
.tabViewer .tabContent ul li { list-style-type:disc; }
.tabViewer .tabContent ol li { list-style-type:decimal; }

Initial URL

Initial Description
We use lists for all sorts of things, especiall navigation elements for which bullets don't make sense. Often, it is most convenient to remove bullet/list styles from all list elements globally. In fact many css resets do just that. However, there may be content areas where we do want bullets! The following css brings back the list styles for all list elements within a container with the class "bulletsAvailable". These values approximate the normal default browser behavior.

Initial Title
bringing back list styles in a section after they have been removed from section\'s parent

Initial Tags
css, list, style

Initial Language