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Revision: 49158
at July 17, 2011 20:22 by magicrebirth

Initial Code
import string

colors = ("00", "33", "66", "99", "CC", "FF")
masks = ("#00~00", "#~~00", "#~0000", "#~00~", "#0000~", "#00~~", "#FF~00", "#~~~")

f = open("colortest-gradation.html", 'w')
f.write("<html><head><title>RGB Gradation</title></head><body bgcolor='black'><tt><b>")

f.write("<p><font color='white'>Gentle gradations through RGB color:</font></p>\n")

bytes = ("00", "11", "22", "33", "44", "55", "66", "77", "88", "99", "AA", "BB", "CC", "DD", "EE", "FF")
halfbytes = ("00", "00", "11", "11", "22", "22", "33", "33", "44", "44", "55", "55", "66", "66", "77", "77")

for green in bytes:
    f.write( "<li>" )
    for white in bytes:
        c1 = "#" + white + green + white
        c2 = "#" + white + white + green
        c3 = "#" + green + white + white

        f.write( "<font color='" + c1 + "'>" )
        f.write( "T")
        f.write( "</font>")

    for white in bytes:
        c1 = "#" + white + green + white
        c2 = "#" + white + white + green
        c3 = "#" + green + white + white

        f.write( "<font color='" + c2 + "'>" )
        f.write( "T")
        f.write( "</font>")

    for white in bytes:
        c1 = "#" + white + green + white
        c2 = "#" + white + white + green
        c3 = "#" + green + white + white

        f.write( "<font color='" + c3 + "'>" )
        f.write( "T")
        f.write( "</font>")

    f.write( "</li>\n" )

f.write("<p><font color='white'>Double all bytes to get real color (#0A0 --> #00AA00 etc)</font></p>\n")

f.write("<p><font color='white'>Green varied alone, Red/Blue varied together:</font></p>\n")
for green in bytes:
    f.write( "<li>" )
    for white in bytes:
        c1 = "#" + white + green + white
        c2 = "#" + white + white + green
        c3 = "#" + green + white + white

        cout = "#" + c1[1] + c1[3] + c1[5] + " "

        f.write( "<font color='" + c1 + "'>" )
        f.write( cout)
        f.write( "</font>")

    f.write( "</li>\n" )

f.write("<p><font color='white'>Blue varied alone, Red/Green varied together:</font></p>\n")
for green in bytes:

    f.write( "<li>" )
    for white in bytes:
        c1 = "#" + white + green + white
        c2 = "#" + white + white + green
        c3 = "#" + green + white + white

        cout = "#" + c2[1] + c2[3] + c2[5] + " "

        f.write( "<font color='" + c2 + "'>" )
        f.write( cout)
        f.write( "</font>")

    f.write( "</li>\n" )

f.write("<p><font color='white'>Red varied alone, Green/Blue varied together:</font></p>\n")
for green in bytes:
    f.write( "<li>" )
    for white in bytes:
        c1 = "#" + white + green + white
        c2 = "#" + white + white + green
        c3 = "#" + green + white + white

        cout = "#" + c3[1] + c3[3] + c3[5] + " "

        f.write( "<font color='" + c3 + "'>" )
        f.write( cout)
        f.write( "</font>")

    f.write( "</li>\n" )

for red in bytes:
    f.write("<p><font color='white'>Red locked at " + red + ", other colors varied:</font></p>\n")
    for green in halfbytes:
        f.write( "<li>\n")
        for blue in halfbytes:
            c3 = "#" + red + green + "00"

            cout = "#" + c3[1] + c3[3] + c3[5] + " "

            f.write( "<font color='" + c3 + "'>" )
            f.write( cout)
            f.write( "</font>")

        f.write( "</li>\n" )

for green in bytes:
    f.write("<p><font color='white'>Green locked at " + green + ", other colors varied:</font></p>\n")
    for red in bytes:
        f.write( "<li>\n")
        for blue in bytes:
            c3 = "#" + red + green + blue

            cout = "#" + c3[1] + c3[3] + c3[5] + " "

            f.write( "<font color='" + c3 + "'>" )
            f.write( cout)
            f.write( "</font>")

        f.write( "</li>\n" )

for blue in bytes:
    f.write("<p><font color='white'>Blue locked at " + blue + ", other colors varied:</font></p>\n")
    for green in bytes:
        f.write( "<li>\n")
        for red in bytes:
            c3 = "#" + red + green + blue

            cout = "#" + c3[1] + c3[3] + c3[5] + " "

            f.write( "<font color='" + c3 + "'>" )
            f.write( cout)
            f.write( "</font>")

        f.write( "</li>\n" )


Initial URL

Initial Description
[from the author's website]
I wrote this to better understand the relationship between RGB colors. Running it will generate a fairly large HTML file with all sorts of color transitions on it so you can see what is happening as colors are tweaked in different ways.

Initial Title
RGB Gradation Chart Generator

Initial Tags
html, color

Initial Language