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Revision: 5829
at April 7, 2008 01:20 by chrisaiv

Initial Code
cmpDat = new Array(2007,   12,     2,    0,  0,   0);
/*                 year    mon     day   hr  min  sec
function compareDates(cmpDat){
	var jd:Date = new Date();
	var zd:Date = new Date(cmpDat[0], cmpDat[1]-1, cmpDat[2], cmpDat[3], cmpDat[4], cmpDat[5], 0);
		return true;
			} else {
		return false;
// the time is now? (true / false)
	trace('ok das wars dann');

Initial URL

Initial Description
This should come in handy some day.

Initial Title
Compare Two Dates

Initial Tags

Initial Language
ActionScript 3