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Revision: 49780
at July 29, 2011 20:04 by brownrl

Updated Code
* Simple Data Grid Skeleton
* Load a table from the database and display it in HTML with pagination and sorting.
* Please keep in mind that this a basic skeleton mock up to get the ball rolling
* You really will need to modify this! This code here is merely a skeleton for making
* a datagrid presentation of db table. It will not work out of the box but should save you 
* precious time in getting off the ground.

// Some variables

// set these to connect to you databse or even better you should use db class or wrapper
$dbhost = "";
$dbname = "dbname";
$dbuser = "user";
$dbpass = "password";

// Here we start a PHP/Mysql connection you probably already have a 
// connection or a some db object
$dbc = mysql_connect( $dbhost , $dbuser , $dbpass ) or die( "Can't connect to the DB" );
mysql_select_db( $dbname , $dbc ) or die( "Can't select DB" );

// The table that you want to data grid
$table = "the_table";

// The fields that you want to show in the data grid
// If you want to show everything then you need to user '*'
// and make some fixes below

$fields[] = "field1";
$fields[] = "field2";
$fields[] = "field3";
$fields[] = "field4";
$fields[] = "field5";

// How many to show per page
$per_page = 10;

///  Done with config and variables

// Now we start to setup some other variables
// You probably do want to edit after this too 
// make cool customizations, etc...

// Lets get the total in the table
$q = "SELECT COUNT( ".$fields[0]." ) as total FROM ".$table."";      
$qr = mysql_query( $q ) or die( "Can't select the total" );
$qrow = mysql_fetch_assoc( $qr );
$total_records = $qrow['total'];

// Lets get an offset started amd handle if we go off the ends with prev and next button
$offset = intval( $_GET['offset'] );
if( $offset < 0 ) // if less than 0 just go to 0
	$offset = 0;

while( $offset > $total_records ) // if over the total keep subtracting till under
	$offset = $offset - $per_page;

// lets get a sort by field
// take field[0] if not in there
$sort_by = $_GET['sort_by'];
if( ! in_array( $sort_by , $fields ) )
	$sort_by = $fields[0];

// Now we are going to define the sorting order either ASC or DESC.
$directions[] = "ASC";
$directions[] = "DESC";

$order = $_GET['order'];
if( ! in_array( $order , $directions ) )
	$order = "ASC";  // ASC is default

// Switch directions click on the ascending, get descending vice versa
$odirections['ASC'] = "DESC";
$odirections['DESC'] = "ASC";

// order signals up and down arrows maybe you want to use a picture?
$osignals['ASC'] = "&uarr;";
$osignals['DESC'] = "&darr;";

// join the fields
$fs = join( ", " , $fields );
$q = "SELECT ".$fs." FROM ".$table." "."ORDER BY ".$sort_by." ".$order." LIMIT ".$per_page." OFFSET ".$offset;
$qr = mysql_query( $q ) or die( "Can't select for showing :: $q" );

// BUILD the HTML table
// This point we go out into html world

<!-- first row with headers -->
		<?php foreach( $fields as $k => $v ) { ?>
			<a href="?sort_by=<?= $v ?>&order=<?= $odirections[$order] ?>"><?= ucwords( strtolower( preg_replace( "/_/" , " " , $v ) ) ) ?></a>
			<?= ( $sort_by == $v ) ? $osignals[$order] : "" ?> 
		<?php } ?>
	<!-- data row -->
	<?php while( $qrow = mysql_fetch_assoc( $qr ) ) { ?>
			<?php foreach( $qrow as $k => $v ) { ?>
				<td><?= $v ?></td>
			<?php } ?>
	<?php } ?>
</table><!-- end table -->

<!-- previous button -->
<a href="?sort_by=<?= $sort_by ?>&order=<?= $order ?>&offset=<?= $offset - $per_page ?>">previous</a>

<!-- pagination links -->
<?php for( $i = 0 ; $i < $total_records ; $i = $i + $per_page ) { ?>
&nbsp;<a href="?sort_by=<?= $sort_by ?>&order=<?= $order ?>&offset=<?= $i ?>"><?= ( $i / $per_page ) + 1 ?></a>&nbsp;
<?php } ?>

<!-- next button -->
<a href="?sort_by=<?= $sort_by ?>&order=<?= $order ?>&offset=<?= $offset + $per_page ?>">next</a>

<!-- total records -->
<p>Total Records: <?= $total_records ?></p>

Revision: 49779
at July 29, 2011 19:49 by brownrl

Initial Code
* Simple Data Grid Skeleton
* Load a table from the database and display it in HTML with pagination and sorting.
* Please keep in mind that this a basic skeleton mock up to get the ball rolling
* You really will need to modify this! This code here is merely a skeleton for making
* a datagrid presentation of db table. It will not work out of the box but should save you 
* precious time in getting off the ground.

// Some variables

// set these to connect to you databse or even better you should use db class or wrapper
$dbhost = "";
$dbname = "dbname";
$dbuser = "user";
$dbpass = "password";

// Here we start a PHP/Mysql connection you probably already have a 
// connection or a some db object
$dbc = mysql_connect( $dbhost , $dbuser , $dbpass ) or die( "Can't connect to the DB" );
mysql_select_db( $dbname , $dbc ) or die( "Can't select DB" );

// The table that you want to data grid
$table = "the_table";

// The fields that you want to show in the data grid
// If you want to show everything then you need to user '*'
// and make some fixes below

$fields[] = "field1";
$fields[] = "field2";
$fields[] = "field3";
$fields[] = "field4";
$fields[] = "field5";

// How many to show per page
$per_page = 10;

///  Done with config and variables

// Now we start to setup some other variables
// You probably do want to edit after this too 
// make cool customizations, etc...

// Lets get the total in the table
$q = "SELECT COUNT( ".$fields[0]." ) as total FROM ".$table."";      
$qr = mysql_query( $q ) or die( "Can't select the total" );
$qrow = mysql_fetch_assoc( $qr );
$total_records = $qrow['total'];

// Lets get an offset started amd handle if we go off the ends with prev and next button
$offset = intval( $_GET['offset'] );
if( $offset < 0 ) // if less than 0 just go to 0
	$offset = 0;

while( $offset > $total_records ) // if over the total keep subtracting till under
	$offset = $offset - $per_page;

// lets get a sort by field
// take field[0] if not in there
$sort_by = $_GET['sort_by'];
if( ! in_array( $sort_by , $fields ) )
	$sort_by = $fields[0];

// Now we are going to define the sorting order either ASC or DESC.
$directions[] = "ASC";
$directions[] = "DESC";

$order = $_GET['order'];
if( ! in_array( $order , $directions ) )
	$order = "ASC";  // ASC is default

// Switch directions click on the ascending, get descending vice versa
$odirections['ASC'] = "DESC";
$odirections['DESC'] = "ASC";

// order signals up and down arrows maybe you want to use a picture?
$osignals['ASC'] = "&uarr;";
$osignals['DESC'] = "&darr;";

// join the fields
$fs = join( ", " , $fields );
$q = "SELECT ".$fs." FROM ".$table." "."ORDER BY ".$sort_by." ".$order." LIMIT ".$per_page." OFFSET ".$offset;
$qr = mysql_query( $q ) or die( "Can't select for showing :: $q" );

// BUILD the HTML table
// This point we go out into html world

<!-- first row with headers -->
		<?php foreach( $fields as $k => $v ) { ?>
			<a href="?sort_by=<?= $v ?>&order=<?= $odirections[$order] ?>"><?= ucwords( strtolower( preg_replace( "/_/" , " " , $v ) ) ) ?></a>
			<?= ( $sort_by == $v ) ? $osignals[$order] : "" ?> 
		<?php } ?>
	<!-- data row -->
	<?php while( $qrow = mysql_fetch_assoc( $qr ) ) { ?>
			<?php foreach( $qrow as $k => $v ) { ?>
				<td><?= $v ?></td>
			<?php } ?>
	<?php } ?>
</table><!-- end table -->

<!-- previous button -->
<a href="?sort_by=<?= $sort_by ?>&order=<?= $order ?>&offset=<?= $offset - $per_page ?>">previous</a>

<!-- pagination links -->
<?php for( $i = 0 ; $i < $total_records ; $i = $i + $per_page ) { ?>
&nbsp;<a href="?sort_by=<?= $sort_by ?>&order=<? $order ?>&offset=<?= $i ?>"><?= ( $i / $per_page ) + 1 ?></a>&nbsp;
<?php } ?>

<!-- next button -->
<a href="?sort_by=<?= $sort_by ?>&order=<?= $order ?>&offset=<?= $offset + $per_page ?>">next</a>

<!-- total records -->
<p>Total Records: <?= $total_records ?></p>

Initial URL

Initial Description
This is a skeleton mock up for showing a database table in a basic datagrid with sorting and pagination.

Initial Title
PHP DB Table to HTML Datagrid

Initial Tags
mysql, database, php, table

Initial Language