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Revision: 49823
at July 30, 2011 23:54 by laurenceosx

Initial Code
package com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

 * Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
 * User: laurence
 * Date: Jul 29, 2011
 * Time: 8:06:44 PM
 * com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.ApplicationServlet2
 * Needed to create this for Dojo to work with Vaadin.
 * This looks for a file named in
 * dir getServletContext().getRealPath(".");
 * and injects it into a vaadin page response (providing it exists)
 * You must change your vaadin servlet name in web.xml
 *  from: com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.ApplicationServlet
 *  to:   com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.ApplicationServlet2
 * Also noticed the inline dojo method script button onClick events
 * do not work in Vaadin custom layout templates
 * but the new dojo html5 way of handling button clicks does work
 *  Also had to use dojo to update the body class to the tundra style
    <script type="text/javascript">
    // <![CDATA[
        dojo.ready( function() { dojo.addClass( dojo.body() , "tundra"); } );
    // ]]>

public class ApplicationServlet2
extends com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.ApplicationServlet {

    public ApplicationServlet2() {

    def String doTemplate(String aStrTemplate, Map aBindingMap) {
        def engine = new groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine();
        def template = engine.createTemplate(aStrTemplate).make(aBindingMap);
        return template.toString();

    def writeDebugString1( BufferedWriter a_page, String a_path ) {
        // ij ide """ syntax highlighting workaround
        def sDebug1_templ = '''
        web  path: .
        file path: ${a_path}
        def sDebug1 = doTemplate(sDebug1_templ, ["a_path": a_path] as Map);

        a_page.write(sDebug1 as String);

    protected void writeAjaxPageHtmlHeadStart(BufferedWriter page,
                                              HttpServletRequest request)
    throws IOException {
        super.writeAjaxPageHtmlHeadStart(page, request);

        def sPath1 = this.getServletContext().getRealPath(".");
        def sPath2 = new File(sPath1).getCanonicalPath();
        def sPath3 = "${sPath2}${File.separator}";

        def fo = new File(sPath3);

        page.write("\n<!-- beg -->\n");
        writeDebugString1( page, sPath3 );

        if (fo.exists()) {
            def sHeaderInc = fo.text;
            page.write(sHeaderInc as String);

        page.write("\n<!-- end -->\n\n");


Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Use Dojo with Vaadin / Inject external file into head block of Vaadin page response

Initial Tags

Initial Language