Revision: 51150
Updated Code
at September 16, 2011 01:14 by jose_506
Updated Code
<?php class DatabaseMysql{ //Constants const host="localhost"; const user="root"; const password=""; const test=true; const database="presupuestos"; const email_admin=""; //Variables privates private static $singleInstancia; private $connection; private $selec_bbdd; //Constructor /*SINGLETON*/ private function __construct() { //echo 'Estoy construido'; //$this->database =isset($db)?$db:$this->err(); } public static function getInstancia(){ if(!self::$singleInstancia){ self::$singleInstancia= new self(); } return self::$singleInstancia; } function Metodo(){ var_dump(self::$singleInstancia); } public function __clone() { trigger_error('No se permite la clonación.', E_USER_ERROR); } //Show erros the mysql function err(){ if (self::test){ echo "<b><font color='red'>ERROR:</b> --> </b>" . mysql_errno() . "</b> - <i>" . mysql_error() . "</i></font>"; exit(); }else{ //echo "<b><font color='red'>Ha habido un error." . mysql_error() . "</font></b>"; if (self::email_admin){ //echo ", el administrador ha sido informado por email"; mail(self::email_admin, "Error mysql en" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "Error-> " . mysql_error() . "\n en->" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . "\n a las-> " . date('H:i:s - D-d-m-Y')); } exit(); } } public function Connect(){ $this->connection = @mysql_connect(self::host, self::user, self::password) or $this->err(); $this->selec_bbdd = @mysql_select_db(self::database, $this->connection) or $this->err(); } // @todo: probar mysql_unbuffered_query() ya que no guarda en buffer y ahorra memoria // @todo: ver como hacer la liberacion de consultas grandes o especificar por parametro a la funcion si es consulta grande o no //registro seleccionados por el select mysql_num_rows() public function Queryarray($query){ $result=mysql_query($query,$this->connection); while($fila = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM)){ $arr_num[] = $fila; } return($arr_num); } //Query simple // public function Query($query){ $result=mysql_query($query,$this->connection)or $this->err(); return $result; } // @todo: Definir comentarios public function Queryassoc($query){ $result=mysql_query($query,$this->connection); while($fila = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ $arr_asoc[] = $fila; } return $arr_asoc; } public function Queryassocwhere($table,$field,$value){ $query="SELECT * FROM $table WHERE $field=$value LIMIT 1"; $result=mysql_query($query,$this->connection); while($fila = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ $arr_asoc[] = $fila; } return $arr_asoc; } public function Queryrowwhere($table,$field,$value){ $query="SELECT * FROM $table WHERE $field='$value' LIMIT 1"; $result=mysql_query($query,$this->connection); $fila = mysql_fetch_row($result); return $fila; } public function QueryObject($select,$table) { if(isset($table)) { $fields=isset($select)?$select:'*'; $query="SELECT $fields FROM $table"; $result=mysql_query($query,$this->connection); return mysql_fetch_object($result); } } // mysql_query_retorna true o false si es insert,delete,drrop y update y filas afectadas por la consulta mysql_affected_rows() public function Insertquery($query){ $result=mysql_query($query)or $this->err(); return $result; } public function Deletequery($field,$value,$table){ return mysql_query("DELETE FROM `$this->database`.`$table` WHERE `$table`.`$field`=$value",$this->connection); } public function Newidtable($field,$table){ $query="SELECT MAX($field) AS id_max FROM $table"; $result=mysql_query($query,$this->connection); $valuemax= mysql_fetch_row($result); return $valuemax[0]; } public function Close(){ mysql_close($this->connection) or $this->err(); } public function Info(){ $information="Version mysql: ". mysql_get_client_info()."<br/>"; $information.=" Connection and hostname: ".mysql_get_host_info()."<br/>"; $information.=" Protocol: ".mysql_get_proto_info()."<br/>"; $information.=" Server version mysql: ".mysql_get_server_info()."<br/>"; $information.=" Server version mysql: ".mysql_get_server_info()."<br/>"; $information.=" ". mysql_stat($this->connection)."<br/>"; return $information; } public function ListTable($table,$type=NULL){ if(isset($type)){ return $type=='array'?$this->Queryarray("SELECT * FROM $table"):$this->Queryassoc("SELECT * FROM $table"); }else{ return $this->Queryarray("SELECT * FROM $table"); } } public function ListTableJoin($table1,$table2,$field1,$field2,$select){ try{ $fields = isset($select)?$select:'*'; return $this->Queryassoc("SELECT $fields FROM $table1 AS t1 INNER JOIN $table2 AS t2 ON t1.$field1 = t2.$field2"); }catch(Exception $e){ echo 'Excepción capturada: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } } public function ExistRecords($table,$where=NULL){ if(isset($where)){ $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE $where", $this->connection) or $this->err(); }else{ $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $table", $this->connection) or $this->err(); } return mysql_num_rows($result); // return $this->connection; } //@todo: crear funcion de chequeo de coenxion con el servidor o de ping public function get($name){ return $this->$name; } } ?>
Revision: 51149
Initial Code
Initial URL
Initial Description
Initial Title
Initial Tags
Initial Language
at September 16, 2011 00:36 by jose_506
Initial Code
<?php class DatabaseMysql{ //Constants const host="localhost"; const user="root"; const password=""; const test=true; const database="presupuestos"; const email_admin=""; //Variables privates private static $singleInstancia; private $connection; private $selec_bbdd; //Constructor /*SINGLETON*/ private function __construct() { //echo 'Estoy construido'; //$this->database =isset($db)?$db:$this->err(); } public static function getInstancia(){ if(!self::$singleInstancia){ self::$singleInstancia= new self(); } return self::$singleInstancia; } function Metodo(){ var_dump(self::$singleInstancia); } public function __clone() { trigger_error('No se permite la clonación.', E_USER_ERROR); } //Show erros the mysql function err(){ if (self::test){ echo "<b><font color='red'>ERROR:</b> --> </b>" . mysql_errno() . "</b> - <i>" . mysql_error() . "</i></font>"; exit(); }else{ //echo "<b><font color='red'>Ha habido un error." . mysql_error() . "</font></b>"; if (self::email_admin){ //echo ", el administrador ha sido informado por email"; mail(self::email_admin, "Error mysql en" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "Error-> " . mysql_error() . "\n en->" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . "\n a las-> " . date('H:i:s - D-d-m-Y')); } exit(); } } public function Connect(){ $this->connection = @mysql_connect(self::host, self::user, self::password) or $this->err(); $this->selec_bbdd = @mysql_select_db(self::database, $this->connection) or $this->err(); } // @todo: probar mysql_unbuffered_query() ya que no guarda en buffer y ahorra memoria // @todo: ver como hacer la liberacion de consultas grandes o especificar por parametro a la funcion si es consulta grande o no //registro seleccionados por el select mysql_num_rows() public function Queryarray($query){ $result=mysql_query($query,$this->connection); while($fila = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM)){ $arr_num[] = $fila; } return($arr_num); } //Query simple // public function Query($query){ $result=mysql_query($query,$this->connection)or $this->err(); return $result; } // @todo: Definir comentarios public function Queryassoc($query){ $result=mysql_query($query,$this->connection); while($fila = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ $arr_asoc[] = $fila; } return $arr_asoc; } public function Queryassocwhere($table,$field,$value){ $query="SELECT * FROM $table WHERE $field=$value LIMIT 1"; $result=mysql_query($query,$this->connection); while($fila = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ $arr_asoc[] = $fila; } return $arr_asoc; } public function Queryrowwhere($table,$field,$value){ $query="SELECT * FROM $table WHERE $field='$value' LIMIT 1"; $result=mysql_query($query,$this->connection); $fila = mysql_fetch_row($result); return $fila; } public function QueryObject($select,$table) { if(isset($table)) { $fields=isset($select)?$select:'*'; $query="SELECT $fields FROM $table"; $result=mysql_query($query,$this->connection); return mysql_fetch_object($result); } } // mysql_query_retorna true o false si es insert,delete,drrop y update y filas afectadas por la consulta mysql_affected_rows() public function Insertquery($query){ $result=mysql_query($query)or $this->err(); return $result; } public function Deletequery($field,$value,$table){ return mysql_query("DELETE FROM `$this->database`.`$table` WHERE `$table`.`$field`=$value",$this->connection); } public function Newidtable($field,$table){ $query="SELECT MAX($field) AS id_max FROM $table"; $result=mysql_query($query,$this->connection); $valuemax= mysql_fetch_row($result); return $valuemax[0]; } public function Close(){ mysql_close($this->connection) or $this->err(); } public function Info(){ $information="Version mysql: ". mysql_get_client_info()."<br/>"; $information.=" Connection and hostname: ".mysql_get_host_info()."<br/>"; $information.=" Protocol: ".mysql_get_proto_info()."<br/>"; $information.=" Server version mysql: ".mysql_get_server_info()."<br/>"; $information.=" Server version mysql: ".mysql_get_server_info()."<br/>"; $information.=" ". mysql_stat($this->connection)."<br/>"; return $information; } public function ListTable($table,$type=NULL){ if(isset($type)){ return $type=='array'?$this->Queryarray("SELECT * FROM $table"):$this->Queryassoc("SELECT * FROM $table"); }else{ return $this->Queryarray("SELECT * FROM $table"); } } public function ListTableJoin($table1,$table2,$field1,$field2,$select){ try{ $fields = isset($select)?$select:'*'; return $this->Queryassoc("SELECT $fields FROM $table1 AS t1 INNER JOIN $table2 AS t2 ON t1.$field1 = t2.$field2"); }catch(Exception $e){ echo 'Excepción capturada: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } } public function ExistRecords($table,$where=NULL){ if(isset($where)){ $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE $where", $this->connection) or $this->err(); }else{ $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $table", $this->connection) or $this->err(); } return mysql_num_rows($result); // return $this->connection; } //@todo: crear funcion de chequeo de coenxion con el servidor o de ping public function get($name){ return $this->$name; } } ?>
Initial URL
Initial Description
Initial Title
Class database mysql
Initial Tags
mysql, database, class, php
Initial Language