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Revision: 51423
at September 23, 2011 20:23 by fengelz

Updated Code
@if ( == typeof(umbraco.MacroEngines.DynamicXml))
   //if mediatype is a file
   <a href="">file</a>
   //if mediatype is an image 
   <img alt="pdf" height="70" src="" />

Revision: 51422
at September 23, 2011 20:00 by fengelz

Initial Code
    var companyNode = Model.NodeById(;
    if (companyNode.annualAccounts.GetType() == typeof(umbraco.MacroEngines.DynamicXml))
    <div class="sub-box">
        <a href="@companyNode.annualAccounts.mediaItem.File.umbracoFile">
            <img alt="pdf" height="70" src="/images/pdf-icon.png" />

Initial URL

Initial Description
This snippet applies if the datatype is DAMP and data is stored as full xml.

Initial Title
Getting a DAMP mediaitem in umbraco with razor

Initial Tags

Initial Language