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Revision: 51927
at October 7, 2011 19:34 by Xixian

Updated Code
#login to our server, 

ssh userid@mx3

#make a new folder in your home directory to checkout from you individual repository

mkdir myfolder

#checkout from repository

svn co myfolder

#now all your files should have been downloaded to myfolder
#move the file you need to public_html folder, so it will be visible from web

mv myfolder/ /home/userid/public_html/

#now you should able to view your file from

Revision: 51926
at October 7, 2011 19:17 by Xixian

Updated Code
#login to our server

ssh userid@mx3

#make a new directory to checkout from you individual repository

mkdir myfolder

#checkout from repository

svn co myfolder

#now all your file should have been downloaded to myfolder
#move the file you need to public_html folder, so it will be visible from web

mv myfolder/ /home/userid/public_html/

Revision: 51925
at October 7, 2011 19:15 by Xixian

Updated Code
#login to our server

ssh userid@mx3

#make a new directory to checkout from you individual repository

mkdir myfolder

#checkout from repository

svn co myfolder

#now all your file should have been downloaded to myfolder

#move your program to ideal location
mv myfolder/ /home/userid/public_html/

Revision: 51924
at October 7, 2011 19:12 by Xixian

Updated Code
#login to our server

ssh userid@mx3

#make a new directory to checkout from you individual repository

mkdir myfolder

#checkout from repository

svn co myfolder

#now all your file should have been downloaded to myfolder

#move your program to ideal location
cd myfolder/ /home/userid/public_html/

Revision: 51923
at October 7, 2011 19:08 by Xixian

Updated Code
#login to our server

ssh userid@mx3

#make a new directory to checkout from you individual repository

mkdir myfolder

#checkout from repository

svn co myfolder

#now all your file should have been downloaded to myfolder

Revision: 51922
at October 7, 2011 19:06 by Xixian

Updated Code
#login to our server

ssh userid@mx3

#make a new directory to checkout from you individual 

mkdir myfolder

svn co myfolder

Revision: 51921
at October 7, 2011 19:03 by Xixian

Updated Code
//login to our server
ssh userid@mx3

svn co myfolder

Revision: 51920
at October 7, 2011 19:01 by Xixian

Initial Code
svn co

Initial URL

Initial Description
Because our server is a virtual machine inside a virtual machine (it's like inception), we can't transfer file using FTP. You need using SVN repository as a bridge to do so.

Follow [Exercise 3]( "Exercise 3"), create a folder in your own computer, checkout from your *INDIVIDUAL* repository (the url we used for exercise 3 is for group project, use this one instead)


Put some file in the folder and commit, your files will be upload to the repository.

Now you can download these files from repository to the server.

Initial Title
How to transfer files to server via SVN

Initial Tags
svn, linux

Initial Language