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Revision: 676
at July 29, 2006 13:02 by tjstankus

Updated Code
<%= link_to_remote 'Privacy Policy', 
                       { :update => 'privacy-policy',
                         :complete => visual_effect(:toggle_blind, 'privacy-policy'),
                         :url => { :action => 'privacy_policy' } }, 
                       { :class => 'text-link' } %>
<div style="display:none" id="privacy-policy"></div>

Revision: 675
at July 27, 2006 22:06 by tjstankus

Updated Code
<%= link_to_remote 'Privacy Policy', 
                       { :update => 'privacy-policy',
                         :complete => visual_effect(:toggle_blind, 'privacy-policy'),
                         :url => { :action => 'privacy_policy' } }, 
                       { :class => 'text-link' } %>
    <div style="display:none" id="privacy-policy"></div>

Revision: 674
at July 27, 2006 22:04 by tjstankus

Initial Code
<%= link_to_remote 'Privacy Policy', 
                       { :update => 'privacy-policy',
                         :complete => visual_effect(:toggle_blind, 'privacy-policy'),
                         :url => { :action => 'privacy_policy' } }, 
                       { :class => 'text-link' } %>
    <div style="display:none" id="privacy-policy"></div>

Initial URL

Initial Description
The key here is display:none being in the style attribute of the affected div. It will not work if it's in a separate CSS file.

Initial Title
Simple Blind Up-Down

Initial Tags
rails, ruby

Initial Language