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Revision: 52186
at October 24, 2011 05:14 by uberdragon

Updated Code
# This Class will only work on PHP v5.2.0+ so we enforce this here
if (strnatcmp(phpversion(),'5.2.0') < 0) { 
	$classFileName = end(explode('/',__FILE__));
	die($classFileName . ' requires PHP version 5.2++<br><br>Please upgrade PHP to use this Class'); 

# Initiate the class upon loading the file
$console = new consoleLog();

# Set PHP's error handler to our global function that handles this through the class

# Set PHP's exception handler to our global function that handles this through the class

# Set PHP's exit handler to our global function that handles this through the class (allows catching fatal errors)

 * class.consoleLog.php
 * Used for logging information to the firebug console via PHP.  This file includes three global functions
 * at the end of the file to route set_error_handler(), register_shutdown_function(), and set_exception_handler()
 * which allows the automatic error handling of PHP warnings, errors & exceptions
 * Written by Shane Kretzmann -> -> [email protected]
class consoleLog {

	private $NL; // New Line characters
	private $type; // Used internally to allow $var display in the right area
	// The following variables hold true or false depending on visibilty wanted.
	private $showLog;
	private $showInfo;
	private $showDebug;
	private $showWarn;
	private $showError;
	private $showException;
	function __construct() {
		// Set new line commands
		$this->NL = "
		// default settings to show all console log types
		$this->showLog = $this->showInfo = $this->showDebug = $this->showWarn = $this->showError = $this->showException = true;			

	 * Class defaults to everything on, use this function to customize what to show in firebug console and what not to
	 * Pass this function an array of settings to switch things on or off
	 * ie: array('log'=>true,'info'=>false,'debug'=>true,'warnings'=>true,'errors'=>true,'exceptions'=>true)
	public function settings($array) {
		foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
			switch($key) {
				case 'log':
					$this->showLog = $value;
				case 'info':
					$this->showInfo = $value;
				case 'debug':
					$this->showDebug = $value;
				case 'warnings':
					$this->showWarn = $value;
				case 'errors':
					$this->showError = $value;
				case 'exceptions':
					$this->showException = $value;

	 * The following public functions simply send different types of console message
	 * Each function accepts $text which is the message to display and $var which can
	 * be a string, array or object for display in the console
	public function log($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showLog) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,1);
	public function info($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showInfo) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,2);
	public function warn($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showWarn) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,3);
	public function exception($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showException) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,4);
	public function error($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showError) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,4);
	public function debug($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showDebug) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,5);

	 * This function is the core of the class and creates the necessary
	 * javascript to push the information being passed to the firebug console
	 * It should only be called by an internal class function
	private function __processConsoleLog($name, $var = null, $type = 1) {
		echo $this->NL . '<script type="text/javascript">' . $this->NL;
		// We need to remove any carriage returns or new lines from within the $name variable
		$name = str_replace(array(chr(13),chr(10)),'',$name);
		switch($type) {
			case 1: // Push Log to firebug console
				echo 'console.log("'.$name.'");'.$this->NL;
				$this->type = 'log';
			case 2: // Push Info to firebug console
				echo '"'.$name.'");'.$this->NL;
				$this->type = 'info';
			case 3: // Push Warning to firebug console
				echo 'console.warn("'.$name.'");'.$this->NL;
				$this->type = 'warn';
			case 4: // Push Error to firebug console
				echo 'console.error("'.$name.'");'.$this->NL;
				$this->type = 'error';
			case 5: // Push Debug to firebug console
				echo 'console.debug("'.$name.'");'.$this->NL;
				$this->type = 'debug';
		if (!empty($var)) {
			if (is_object($var) || is_array($var)) {
				$object = json_encode($var);
				echo 'var object'.preg_replace('~[^A-Z|0-9]~i',"_",$name).' = \''.str_replace("'","\'",$object).'\';'.$this->NL;
				echo 'var val'.preg_replace('~[^A-Z|0-9]~i',"_",$name).' = eval("(" + object'.preg_replace('~[^A-Z|0-9]~i',"_",$name).' + ")" );'.$this->NL;
				echo 'console.'.$this->type.'(val'.preg_replace('~[^A-Z|0-9]~i',"_",$name).');'.$this->NL;
			} else { // not an object or array so we will just pass it to the console as a string
				echo 'console.'.$this->type.'("'.str_replace('"','\\"',$var).'");'.$this->NL;
		echo '</script>'.$this->NL;

* Push PHP Errors to FireBug Console
function consoleLogPHPError($errno,$errstr,$errfile,$errline) {
	global $console; // pull in $console object
    switch ($errno) {
        case E_NOTICE:
        case E_USER_NOTICE:
            $errorType = "Notice";
            $consoleType = "warn";
        case E_WARNING:
        case E_USER_WARNING:
            $errorType = "Warning";
            $consoleType = "warn";
        case E_ERROR:
        case E_USER_ERROR:
            $errorType = "Fatal Error";
            $consoleType = "error";
            $errorType = "Unknown";
            $consoleType = "warn";
	$errstr = str_replace('  ',' ',preg_replace('/\[.*?\]:/i','',$errstr)); // no need for the function link back in console log
	if (is_object($console)) $console->$consoleType('[PHP '.$errorType.'][' . $errfile . ':' . $errline . '] '.str_replace("'","\'",$errstr));
	if (ini_get('log_errors')) error_log(sprintf("PHP %s: %s in %s on line %d", $errorType, $errstr, $errfile, $errline));

* Global Function to Push PHP Fatal Errors to FireBug Console
function consoleLogPHPExit() {
	global $console; // pull in $console object
	if ($err = error_get_last()) {
		$errstr = $err['message'];
		$errfile = $err['file'];
		$errline = $err['line'];
		$errstr = str_replace('  ',' ',preg_replace('/\[.*?\]:/i','',$errstr)); // no need for the href link here
		if (is_object($console)) $console->error('[PHP Fatal Error][' . $errfile . ':' . $errline . '] '.str_replace("'","\'",$errstr));

* Global Function to Push PHP UnCaught Exceptions to FireBug Console
function consoleLogPHPExceptions($e) {
	global $console; // pull in $console object
	$trace = $e->getTrace();
	$errstr = $e->getMessage();
	if (is_object($console)) $console->exception('[PHP Exception]: '.str_replace("'","\'",$errstr),$trace);

Revision: 52185
at October 16, 2011 03:28 by uberdragon

Updated Code
# This Class will only work on PHP v5.2.0+ so we enforce this here
if (strnatcmp(phpversion(),'5.2.0') < 0) { 
	$classFileName = end(explode('/',__FILE__));
	die($classFileName . ' requires PHP version 5.2++<br><br>Please upgrade PHP to use this Class'); 

# Initiate the class upon loading the file
$console = new consoleLog();

# Turn on PHP Error Reporting, Suppress Echo to screen
error_reporting(E_ALL);ini_set('display_errors', 0);

# Set PHP's error handler to our global function that handles this through the class

# Set PHP's exception handler to our global function that handles this through the class

# Set PHP's exit handler to our global function that handles this through the class (allows catching fatal errors)

 * class.consoleLog.php
 * Used for logging information to the firebug console via PHP.  This file includes three global functions
 * at the end of the file to route set_error_handler(), register_shutdown_function(), and set_exception_handler()
 * which allows the automatic error handling of PHP warnings, errors & exceptions
 * Written by Shane Kretzmann -> -> [email protected]
class consoleLog {

	private $NL; // New Line characters
	private $type; // Used internally to allow $var display in the right area
	// The following variables hold true or false depending on visibilty wanted.
	private $showLog;
	private $showInfo;
	private $showDebug;
	private $showWarn;
	private $showError;
	private $showException;
	function __construct() {
		// Set new line commands
		$this->NL = "
		// default settings to show all console log types
		$this->showLog = $this->showInfo = $this->showDebug = $this->showWarn = $this->showError = $this->showException = true;
		echo $this->NL . '<script type="text/javascript">' . $this->NL;

		// this is for older IE and other browsers w/o console
		echo 'if (!window.console) console = {};';
		echo 'console.log = console.log || function(){};';
		echo 'console.warn = console.warn || function(){};';
		echo 'console.error = console.error || function(){};';
		echo ' = || function(){};';
		echo 'console.debug = console.debug || function(){};';
		echo '</script>';
		// end of IE

	 * Class defaults to everything on, use this function to customize what to show in firebug console and what not to
	 * Pass this function an array of settings to switch things on or off
	 * ie: array('log'=>true,'info'=>false,'debug'=>true,'warnings'=>true,'errors'=>true,'exceptions'=>true)
	public function settings($array) {
		foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
			switch($key) {
				case 'log':
					$this->showLog = $value;
				case 'info':
					$this->showInfo = $value;
				case 'debug':
					$this->showDebug = $value;
				case 'warnings':
					$this->showWarn = $value;
				case 'errors':
					$this->showError = $value;
				case 'exceptions':
					$this->showException = $value;

	 * The following public functions simply send different types of console message
	 * Each function accepts $text which is the message to display and $var which can
	 * be a string, array or object for display in the console
	public function log($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showLog) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,1);
	public function info($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showInfo) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,2);
	public function warn($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showWarn) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,3);
	public function exception($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showException) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,4);
	public function error($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showError) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,4);
	public function debug($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showDebug) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,5);

	 * This function is the core of the class and creates the necessary
	 * javascript to push the information being passed to the firebug console
	 * It should only be called by an internal class function
	private function __processConsoleLog($name, $var = null, $type = 1) {
		echo $this->NL . '<script type="text/javascript">' . $this->NL;
		switch($type) {
			case 1: // Push Log to firebug console
				echo 'console.log("'.$name.'");'.$this->NL;
				$this->type = 'log';
			case 2: // Push Info to firebug console
				echo '"'.$name.'");'.$this->NL;
				$this->type = 'info';
			case 3: // Push Warning to firebug console
				echo 'console.warn("'.$name.'");'.$this->NL;
				$this->type = 'warn';
			case 4: // Push Error to firebug console
				echo 'console.error("'.$name.'");'.$this->NL;
				$this->type = 'error';
			case 5: // Push Debug to firebug console
				echo 'console.debug("'.$name.'");'.$this->NL;
				$this->type = 'debug';
		if (!empty($var)) {
			if (is_object($var) || is_array($var)) {
				$object = json_encode($var);
				echo 'var object'.preg_replace('~[^A-Z|0-9]~i',"_",$name).' = \''.str_replace("'","\'",$object).'\';'.$this->NL;
				echo 'var val'.preg_replace('~[^A-Z|0-9]~i',"_",$name).' = eval("(" + object'.preg_replace('~[^A-Z|0-9]~i',"_",$name).' + ")" );'.$this->NL;
				echo 'console.'.$this->type.'(val'.preg_replace('~[^A-Z|0-9]~i',"_",$name).');'.$this->NL;
			} else { // not an object or array so we will just pass it to the console as a string
				echo 'console.'.$this->type.'("'.str_replace('"','\\"',$var).'");'.$this->NL;
		echo '</script>'.$this->NL;

* Push PHP Errors to FireBug Console
function consoleLogPHPError($errno,$errstr,$errfile,$errline) {
	global $console; // pull in $console object
    switch ($errno) {
        case E_NOTICE:
        case E_USER_NOTICE:
            $errorType = "Notice";
            $consoleType = "warn";
        case E_WARNING:
        case E_USER_WARNING:
            $errorType = "Warning";
            $consoleType = "warn";
        case E_ERROR:
        case E_USER_ERROR:
            $errorType = "Fatal Error";
            $consoleType = "error";
            $errorType = "Unknown";
            $consoleType = "warn";
	$errstr = str_replace('  ',' ',preg_replace('/\[.*?\]:/i','',$errstr)); // no need for the function link back in console log
	if (is_object($console)) $console->$consoleType('[PHP '.$errorType.'][' . $errfile . ':' . $errline . '] '.str_replace("'","\'",$errstr));
  if (ini_get('log_errors')) error_log(sprintf("PHP %s: %s in %s on line %d", $errorType, $errstr, $errfile, $errline));

* Global Function to Push PHP Fatal Errors to FireBug Console
function consoleLogPHPExit() {
	global $console; // pull in $console object
	if ($err = error_get_last()) {
		$errstr = $err['message'];
		$errfile = $err['file'];
		$errline = $err['line'];
		$errstr = str_replace('  ',' ',preg_replace('/\[.*?\]:/i','',$errstr)); // no need for the href link here
		if (is_object($console)) $console->error('[PHP Fatal Error][' . $errfile . ':' . $errline . '] '.str_replace("'","\'",$errstr));

* Global Function to Push PHP UnCaught Exceptions to FireBug Console
function consoleLogPHPExceptions($e) {
	global $console; // pull in $console object
	$trace = $e->getTrace();
	$errstr = $e->getMessage();
	// when ADODB Exceptions are thrown $errstr contains illegal characters
	// that cause javascript to error I tried a few different escape mechanisms
	// but so far no luck so we'll just rename it here
	if (stristr($errstr,'mysql error')) { $errstr = 'mySQL Error Trace'; }
	if (is_object($console)) $console->exception('[PHP Exception]: '.$errstr,$trace);

Revision: 52184
at October 16, 2011 03:23 by uberdragon

Updated Code
# This Class will only work on PHP v5.2.0+ so we enforce this here
if (strnatcmp(phpversion(),'5.2.0') < 0) { 
	$classFileName = end(explode('/',__FILE__));
	die($classFileName . ' requires PHP version 5.2++<br><br>Please upgrade PHP to use this Class'); 

# Initiate the class upon loading the file
$console = new consoleLog();

# Turn on PHP Error Reporting, Suppress Echo to screen
error_reporting(E_ALL);ini_set('display_errors', 0);

# Set PHP's error handler to our global function that handles this through the class

# Set PHP's exception handler to our global function that handles this through the class

# Set PHP's exit handler to our global function that handles this through the class (allows catching fatal errors)

 * class.consoleLog.php
 * Used for logging information to the firebug console via PHP.  This file includes three global functions
 * at the end of the file to route set_error_handler(), register_shutdown_function(), and set_exception_handler()
 * which allows the automatic error handling of PHP warnings, errors & exceptions
 * Written by Shane Kretzmann -> -> [email protected]
class consoleLog {

	private $NL; // New Line characters
	private $type; // Used internally to allow $var display in the right area
	// The following variables hold true or false depending on visibilty wanted.
	private $showLog;
	private $showInfo;
	private $showDebug;
	private $showWarn;
	private $showError;
	private $showException;
	function __construct() {
		// Set new line commands
		$this->NL = "
		// default settings to show all console log types
		$this->showLog = $this->showInfo = $this->showDebug = $this->showWarn = $this->showError = $this->showException = true;
		echo $this->NL . '<script type="text/javascript">' . $this->NL;

		// this is for older IE and other browsers w/o console
		echo 'if (!window.console) console = {};';
		echo 'console.log = console.log || function(){};';
		echo 'console.warn = console.warn || function(){};';
		echo 'console.error = console.error || function(){};';
		echo ' = || function(){};';
		echo 'console.debug = console.debug || function(){};';
		echo '</script>';
		// end of IE

	 * Class defaults to everything on, use this function to customize what to show in firebug console and what not to
	 * Pass this function an array of settings to switch things on or off
	 * ie: array('log'=>true,'info'=>false,'debug'=>true,'warnings'=>true,'errors'=>true,'exceptions'=>true)
	public function settings($array) {
		foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
			switch($key) {
				case 'log':
					$this->showLog = $value;
				case 'info':
					$this->showInfo = $value;
				case 'debug':
					$this->showDebug = $value;
				case 'warnings':
					$this->showWarn = $value;
				case 'errors':
					$this->showError = $value;
				case 'exceptions':
					$this->showException = $value;

	 * The following public functions simply send different types of console message
	 * Each function accepts $text which is the message to display and $var which can
	 * be a string, array or object for display in the console
	public function log($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showLog) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,1);
	public function info($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showInfo) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,2);
	public function warn($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showWarn) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,3);
	public function exception($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showException) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,4);
	public function error($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showError) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,4);
	public function debug($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showDebug) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,5);

	 * This function is the core of the class and creates the necessary
	 * javascript to push the information being passed to the firebug console
	 * It should only be called by an internal class function
	private function __processConsoleLog($name, $var = null, $type = 1) {
		echo $this->NL . '<script type="text/javascript">' . $this->NL;
		switch($type) {
			case 1: // Push Log to firebug console
				echo 'console.log("'.$name.'");'.$this->NL;
				$this->type = 'log';
			case 2: // Push Info to firebug console
				echo '"'.$name.'");'.$this->NL;
				$this->type = 'info';
			case 3: // Push Warning to firebug console
				echo 'console.warn("'.$name.'");'.$this->NL;
				$this->type = 'warn';
			case 4: // Push Error to firebug console
				echo 'console.error("'.$name.'");'.$this->NL;
				$this->type = 'error';
			case 5: // Push Debug to firebug console
				echo 'console.debug("'.$name.'");'.$this->NL;
				$this->type = 'debug';
		if (!empty($var)) {
			if (is_object($var) || is_array($var)) {
				$object = json_encode($var);
				echo 'var object'.preg_replace('~[^A-Z|0-9]~i',"_",$name).' = \''.str_replace("'","\'",$object).'\';'.$this->NL;
				echo 'var val'.preg_replace('~[^A-Z|0-9]~i',"_",$name).' = eval("(" + object'.preg_replace('~[^A-Z|0-9]~i',"_",$name).' + ")" );'.$this->NL;
				echo 'console.'.$this->type.'(val'.preg_replace('~[^A-Z|0-9]~i',"_",$name).');'.$this->NL;
			} else { // not an object or array so we will just pass it to the console as a string
				echo 'console.'.$this->type.'("'.str_replace('"','\\"',$var).'");'.$this->NL;
		echo '</script>'.$this->NL;

* Push PHP Errors to FireBug Console
function consoleLogPHPError($errno,$errstr,$errfile,$errline) {
	global $console; // pull in $console object
    switch ($errno) {
        case E_NOTICE:
        case E_USER_NOTICE:
            $errorType = "Notice";
            $consoleType = "warn";
        case E_WARNING:
        case E_USER_WARNING:
            $errorType = "Warning";
            $consoleType = "warn";
        case E_ERROR:
        case E_USER_ERROR:
            $errorType = "Fatal Error";
            $consoleType = "error";
            $errorType = "Unknown";
            $consoleType = "warn";
	$errstr = str_replace('  ',' ',preg_replace('/\[.*?\]:/i','',$errstr)); // no need for the function link back in console log
	if (is_object($console)) $console->$consoleType('[PHP '.$errorType.'][' . $errfile . ':' . $errline . '] '.str_replace("'","\'",$errstr));
  if (ini_get('log_errors')) error_log(sprintf("PHP %s: %s in %s on line %d", $errorType, $errstr, $errfile, $errline));

* Global Function to Push PHP Fatal Errors to FireBug Console
function consoleLogPHPExit() {
	global $console; // pull in $console object
	if ($err = error_get_last()) {
		$errstr = $err['message'];
		$errfile = $err['file'];
		$errline = $err['line'];
		$errstr = str_replace('  ',' ',preg_replace('/\[.*?\]:/i','',$errstr)); // no need for the href link here
		if (is_object($console)) $console->error('[PHP Fatal Error][' . $errfile . ':' . $errline . '] '.str_replace("'","\'",$errstr));
	} else {
		if (is_object($console)) $console->debug('PHP Load Complete, no fatal errors received.');

* Global Function to Push PHP UnCaught Exceptions to FireBug Console
function consoleLogPHPExceptions($e) {
	global $console; // pull in $console object
	$trace = $e->getTrace();
	$errstr = $e->getMessage();
	// when ADODB Exceptions are thrown $errstr contains illegal characters
	// that cause javascript to error I tried a few different escape mechanisms
	// but so far no luck so we'll just rename it here
	if (stristr($errstr,'mysql error')) { $errstr = 'mySQL Error Trace'; }
	if (is_object($console)) $console->exception('[PHP Exception]: '.$errstr,$trace);

Revision: 52183
at October 15, 2011 05:43 by uberdragon

Updated Code
# This Class will only work on PHP v5.2.0+ so we enforce this here
if (strnatcmp(phpversion(),'5.2.0') < 0) { 
	$classFileName = end(explode('/',__FILE__));
	die($classFileName . ' requires PHP version 5.2++<br><br>Please upgrade PHP to use this Class'); 

# Initiate the class upon loading the file
$console = new consoleLog();

# Turn on PHP Error Reporting, Suppress Echo to screen
error_reporting(E_ALL);ini_set('display_errors', 0);

# Set PHP's error handler to our global function that handles this through the class

# Set PHP's exception handler to our global function that handles this through the class

# Set PHP's exit handler to our global function that handles this through the class (allows catching fatal errors)

 * class.consoleLog.php
 * Used for logging information to the firebug console via PHP.  This file includes three global functions
 * at the end of the file to route set_error_handler(), register_shutdown_function(), and set_exception_handler()
 * which allows the automatic error handling of PHP warnings, errors & exceptions
 * Written by Shane Kretzmann -> -> [email protected]
class consoleLog {

	private $NL; // New Line characters
	private $type; // Used internally to allow $var display in the right area
	// The following variables hold true or false depending on visibilty wanted.
	private $showLog;
	private $showInfo;
	private $showDebug;
	private $showWarn;
	private $showError;
	private $showException;
	function __construct() {
		// Set new line commands
		$this->NL = "
		// default settings to show all console log types
		$this->showLog = $this->showInfo = $this->showDebug = $this->showWarn = $this->showError = $this->showException = true;
		echo $this->NL . '<script type="text/javascript">' . $this->NL;

		// this is for older IE and other browsers w/o console
		echo 'if (!window.console) console = {};';
		echo 'console.log = console.log || function(){};';
		echo 'console.warn = console.warn || function(){};';
		echo 'console.error = console.error || function(){};';
		echo ' = || function(){};';
		echo 'console.debug = console.debug || function(){};';
		echo '</script>';
		// end of IE

	 * Class defaults to everything on, use this function to customize what to show in firebug console and what not to
	 * Pass this function an array of settings to switch things on or off
	 * ie: array('log'=>true,'info'=>false,'debug'=>true,'warnings'=>true,'errors'=>true,'exceptions'=>true)
	public function settings($array) {
		foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
			switch($key) {
				case 'log':
					$this->showLog = $value;
				case 'info':
					$this->showInfo = $value;
				case 'debug':
					$this->showDebug = $value;
				case 'warnings':
					$this->showWarn = $value;
				case 'errors':
					$this->showError = $value;
				case 'exceptions':
					$this->showException = $value;

	 * The following public functions simply send different types of console message
	 * Each function accepts $text which is the message to display and $var which can
	 * be a string, array or object for display in the console
	public function log($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showLog) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,1);
	public function info($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showInfo) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,2);
	public function warn($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showWarn) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,3);
	public function error($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showError) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,4);
	public function debug($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showDebug) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,5);
	public function exception($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showException) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,6);

	 * This function is the core of the class and creates the necessary
	 * javascript to push the information being passed to the firebug console
	 * It should only be called by an internal class function
	private function __processConsoleLog($name, $var = null, $type = 1) {
		echo $this->NL . '<script type="text/javascript">' . $this->NL;
		switch($type) {
			case 1: // Push Log to firebug console
				echo 'console.log("'.$name.'");'.$this->NL;
				$this->type = 'log';
			case 2: // Push Info to firebug console
				echo '"'.$name.'");'.$this->NL;
				$this->type = 'info';
			case 3: // Push Warning to firebug console
				echo 'console.warn("'.$name.'");'.$this->NL;
				$this->type = 'warn';
			case 4: // Push Error to firebug console
				echo 'console.error("'.$name.'");'.$this->NL;
				$this->type = 'error';
			case 5: // Push Debug to firebug console
				echo 'console.debug("'.$name.'");'.$this->NL;
				$this->type = 'debug';
			case 6: // Push Exception to firebug console
				echo 'console.warn("'.$name.'");'.$this->NL;
				$this->type = 'warn';
		if (!empty($var)) {
			if (is_object($var) || is_array($var)) {
				$object = json_encode($var);
				echo 'var object'.preg_replace('~[^A-Z|0-9]~i',"_",$name).' = \''.str_replace("'","\'",$object).'\';'.$this->NL;
				echo 'var val'.preg_replace('~[^A-Z|0-9]~i',"_",$name).' = eval("(" + object'.preg_replace('~[^A-Z|0-9]~i',"_",$name).' + ")" );'.$this->NL;
				echo 'console.'.$this->type.'(val'.preg_replace('~[^A-Z|0-9]~i',"_",$name).');'.$this->NL;
			} else { // not an object or array so we will just pass it to the console as a string
				echo 'console.'.$this->type.'("'.str_replace('"','\\"',$var).'");'.$this->NL;
		echo '</script>'.$this->NL;

* Push PHP Errors to FireBug Console
function consoleLogPHPError($errno,$errstr,$errfile,$errline) {
	global $console; // pull in $console object
    switch ($errno) {
        case E_NOTICE:
        case E_USER_NOTICE:
            $errorType = "Notice";
            $consoleType = "warn";
        case E_WARNING:
        case E_USER_WARNING:
            $errorType = "Warning";
            $consoleType = "warn";
        case E_ERROR:
        case E_USER_ERROR:
            $errorType = "Fatal Error";
            $consoleType = "error";
            $errorType = "Unknown";
            $consoleType = "warn";
	$errstr = str_replace('  ',' ',preg_replace('/\[.*?\]:/i','',$errstr)); // no need for the function link back in console log
	if (is_object($console)) $console->$consoleType('[PHP '.$errorType.'][' . $errfile . ':' . $errline . '] '.str_replace("'","\'",$errstr));
    if (ini_get('log_errors')) error_log(sprintf("PHP %s: %s in %s on line %d", $errorType, $errstr, $errfile, $errline));

* Global Function to Push PHP Fatal Errors to FireBug Console
function consoleLogPHPExit() {
	global $console; // pull in $console object
	if ($err = error_get_last()) {
		$errstr = $err['message'];
		$errfile = $err['file'];
		$errline = $err['line'];
		$errstr = str_replace('  ',' ',preg_replace('/\[.*?\]:/i','',$errstr)); // no need for the href link here
		if (is_object($console)) $console->error('[PHP Fatal Error][' . $errfile . ':' . $errline . '] '.str_replace("'","\'",$errstr));
	} else {
		if (is_object($console)) $console->debug('PHP Load Complete, no fatal errors received.');

* Global Function to Push PHP UnCaught Exceptions to FireBug Console
function consoleLogPHPExceptions($e) {
	global $console; // pull in $console object
	$trace = $e->getTrace();
	$errstr = $e->getMessage();
	// when ADODB Exceptions are thrown $errstr contains illegal characters
	// that cause javascript to error so we'll just rename it here
	if (stristr($errstr,'mysql error')) { $errstr = 'mySQL Error Trace'; }
	$console->exception('[PHP Exception]: '.$errstr,$trace);

Revision: 52182
at October 15, 2011 05:11 by uberdragon

Updated Code
# This Class will only work on PHP v5.2.0+ so we enforce this here
if (strnatcmp(phpversion(),'5.2.0') < 0) { 
	$classFileName = end(explode('/',__FILE__));
	die($classFileName . ' requires PHP version 5.2++<br><br>Please upgrade PHP to use this Class'); 

# Initiate the class upon loading the file
$console = new consoleLog();

# Turn on PHP Error Reporting, Suppress Echo to screen
error_reporting(E_ALL);ini_set('display_errors', 0);

# Set PHP's error handler to our global function that handles this through the class

# Set PHP's exception handler to our global function that handles this through the class

# Set PHP's exit handler to our global function that handles this through the class (allows catching fatal errors)

 * class.consoleLog.php
 * Used for logging information to the firebug console via PHP.  This file includes three global functions
 * at the end of the file to route set_error_handler(), register_shutdown_function(), and set_exception_handler()
 * which allows the automatic error handling of PHP warnings, errors & exceptions
 * Written by Shane Kretzmann -> -> [email protected]
class consoleLog {

	private $NL; // New Line characters
	private $type; // Used internally to allow $var display in the right area
	// The following variables hold true or false depending on visibilty wanted.
	private $showLog;
	private $showInfo;
	private $showDebug;
	private $showWarn;
	private $showError;
	private $showException;
	function __construct() {
		// Set new line commands
		$this->NL = "
		// default settings to show all console log types
		$this->showLog = $this->showInfo = $this->showDebug = $this->showWarn = $this->showError = $this->showException = true;
		echo '<script type="text/javascript">'.$this->NL;

		// this is for older IE and other browsers w/o console
		echo 'if (!window.console) console = {};';
		echo 'console.log = console.log || function(){};';
		echo 'console.warn = console.warn || function(){};';
		echo 'console.error = console.error || function(){};';
		echo ' = || function(){};';
		echo 'console.debug = console.debug || function(){};';
		echo '</script>';
		// end of IE

	 * Class defaults to everything on, use this function to customize what to show in firebug console and what not to
	 * Pass this function an array of settings to switch things on or off
	 * ie: array('log'=>true,'info'=>false,'debug'=>true,'warnings'=>true,'errors'=>true,'exceptions'=>true)
	public function settings($array) {
		foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
			switch($key) {
				case 'log':
					$this->showLog = $value;
				case 'info':
					$this->showInfo = $value;
				case 'debug':
					$this->showDebug = $value;
				case 'warnings':
					$this->showWarn = $value;
				case 'errors':
					$this->showError = $value;
				case 'exceptions':
					$this->showException = $value;

	 * The following public functions simply send different types of console message
	 * Each function accepts $text which is the message to display and $var which can
	 * be a string, array or object for display in the console
	public function log($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showLog) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,1);
	public function info($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showInfo) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,2);
	public function warn($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showWarn) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,3);
	public function error($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showError) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,4);
	public function debug($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showDebug) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,5);
	public function exception($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showException) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,6);

	 * This function is the core of the class and creates the necessary
	 * javascript to push the information being passed to the firebug console
	 * It should only be called by an internal class function
	private function __processConsoleLog($name, $var = null, $type = 1) {
		echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
		switch($type) {
			case 1: // Push Log to firebug console
				echo 'console.log("'.$name.'");'.$this->NL;
				$this->type = 'log';
			case 2: // Push Info to firebug console
				echo '"'.$name.'");'.$this->NL;
				$this->type = 'info';
			case 3: // Push Warning to firebug console
				echo 'console.warn("'.$name.'");'.$this->NL;
				$this->type = 'warn';
			case 4: // Push Error to firebug console
				echo 'console.error("'.$name.'");'.$this->NL;
				$this->type = 'error';
			case 5: // Push Debug to firebug console
				echo 'console.debug("'.$name.'");'.$this->NL;
				$this->type = 'debug';
			case 6: // Push Exception to firebug console
				echo 'console.warn("'.$name.'");'.$this->NL;
				$this->type = 'warn';
		if (!empty($var)) {
			if (is_object($var) || is_array($var)) {
				$object = json_encode($var);
				echo 'var object'.preg_replace('~[^A-Z|0-9]~i',"_",$name).' = \''.str_replace("'","\'",$object).'\';'.$this->NL;
				echo 'var val'.preg_replace('~[^A-Z|0-9]~i',"_",$name).' = eval("(" + object'.preg_replace('~[^A-Z|0-9]~i',"_",$name).' + ")" );'.$this->NL;
				echo 'console.'.$this->type.'(val'.preg_replace('~[^A-Z|0-9]~i',"_",$name).');'.$this->NL;
			} else { // not an object or array so we will just pass it to the console as a string
				echo 'console.'.$this->type.'("'.str_replace('"','\\"',$var).'");'.$this->NL;
		echo '</script>'.$this->NL;

* Push PHP Errors to FireBug Console
function consoleLogPHPError($errno,$errstr,$errfile,$errline) {
	global $console; // pull in $console object
    switch ($errno) {
        case E_NOTICE:
        case E_USER_NOTICE:
            $errorType = "Notice";
            $consoleType = "warn";
        case E_WARNING:
        case E_USER_WARNING:
            $errorType = "Warning";
            $consoleType = "warn";
        case E_ERROR:
        case E_USER_ERROR:
            $errorType = "Fatal Error";
            $consoleType = "error";
            $errorType = "Unknown";
            $consoleType = "warn";
	$errstr = str_replace('  ',' ',preg_replace('/\[.*?\]:/i','',$errstr)); // no need for the function link back in console log
	if (is_object($console)) $console->$consoleType('[PHP '.$errorType.'][' . $errfile . ':' . $errline . '] '.str_replace("'","\'",$errstr));
    if (ini_get('log_errors')) error_log(sprintf("PHP %s: %s in %s on line %d", $errorType, $errstr, $errfile, $errline));

* Global Function to Push PHP Fatal Errors to FireBug Console
function consoleLogPHPExit() {
	global $console; // pull in $console object
	if ($err = error_get_last()) {
		$errstr = $err['message'];
		$errfile = $err['file'];
		$errline = $err['line'];
		$errstr = str_replace('  ',' ',preg_replace('/\[.*?\]:/i','',$errstr)); // no need for the href link here
		if (is_object($console)) $console->error('[PHP Fatal Error][' . $errfile . ':' . $errline . '] '.str_replace("'","\'",$errstr));
	} else {
		if (is_object($console)) $console->debug('PHP Load Complete, no fatal errors received.');

* Global Function to Push PHP UnCaught Exceptions to FireBug Console
function consoleLogPHPExceptions($e) {
	global $console; // pull in $console object
	$trace = $e->getTrace();
	$errstr = $e->getMessage();
	// when ADODB Exceptions are thrown $errstr contains illegal characters
	// that cause javascript to error so we'll just rename it here
	if (stristr($errstr,'mysql error')) { $errstr = 'mySQL Error Trace'; }
	$console->exception('[PHP Exception]: '.$errstr,$trace);

Revision: 52181
at October 15, 2011 04:23 by uberdragon

Initial Code
# This Class will only work on PHP v5.2.0+ so we enforce this here
if (strnatcmp(phpversion(),'5.2.0') < 0) { 
	$classFileName = end(explode('/',__FILE__));
	die($classFileName . ' requires PHP version 5.2++<br><br>Please upgrade PHP to use this Class'); 

# Initiate the class upon loading the file
$console = new consoleLog();

# Turn on PHP Error Reporting, Suppress Echo to screen
error_reporting(E_ALL);ini_set('display_errors', 0);

# Set PHP's error handler to our global function that handles this through the class

# Set PHP's exception handler to our global function that handles this through the class

# Set PHP's exit handler to our global function that handles this through the class (allows catching fatal errors)

 * class.consoleLog.php
 * Used for logging information to the firebug console via PHP.  This file includes three global functions
 * at the end of the file to route set_error_handler(), register_shutdown_function(), and set_exception_handler()
 * which allows the automatic error handling of PHP warnings, errors & exceptions
 * Written by Shane Kretzmann -> -> [email protected]
class consoleLog {

	private $NL; // New Line characters
	private $type; // Used internally to allow $var display in the right area
	// The following variables hold true or false depending on visibilty wanted.
	private $showLog;
	private $showInfo;
	private $showDebug;
	private $showWarn;
	private $showError;
	private $showException;
	function __construct() {
		// Set new line commands
		$this->NL = "
		// default settings to show all console log types
		$this->showLog = $this->showInfo = $this->showDebug = $this->showWarn = $this->showError = $this->showException = true;
		echo '<script type="text/javascript">'.$this->NL;

		// this is for older IE and other browsers w/o console
		echo 'if (!window.console) console = {};';
		echo 'console.log = console.log || function(){};';
		echo 'console.warn = console.warn || function(){};';
		echo 'console.error = console.error || function(){};';
		echo ' = || function(){};';
		echo 'console.debug = console.debug || function(){};';
		echo '</script>';
		// end of IE

	 * Class defaults to everything on, use this function to customize what to show in firebug console and what not to
	 * Pass this function an array of settings to switch things on or off
	 * ie: array('log'=>true,'info'=>false,'debug'=>true,'warnings'=>true,'errors'=>true,'exceptions'=>true)
	public function settings($array) {
		foreach ($array as $key => $pair) {
			switch($key) {
				case 'log':
					$this->showLog = $pair;
				case 'info':
					$this->showInfo = $pair;
				case 'debug':
					$this->showDebug = $pair;
				case 'warnings':
					$this->showWarn = $pair;
				case 'errors':
					$this->showError = $pair;
				case 'exceptions':
					$this->showException = $pair;

	 * The following public functions simply send different types of console message
	 * Each function accepts $text which is the message to display and $var which can
	 * be a string, array or object for display in the console
	public function log($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showLog) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,1);
	public function info($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showInfo) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,2);
	public function warn($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showWarn) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,3);
	public function error($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showError) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,4);
	public function debug($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showDebug) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,5);
	public function exception($text,$var=null) {
		if ($this->showException) return $this->__processConsoleLog($text,$var,6);

	 * This function is the core of the class and creates the necessary
	 * javascript to push the information being passed to the firebug console
	 * It should only be called by an internal class function
	private function __processConsoleLog($name, $var = null, $type = 1) {
		echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
		switch($type) {
			case 1: // Push Log to firebug console
				echo 'console.log("'.$name.'");'.$this->NL;
				$this->type = 'log';
			case 2: // Push Info to firebug console
				echo '"'.$name.'");'.$this->NL;
				$this->type = 'info';
			case 3: // Push Warning to firebug console
				echo 'console.warn("'.$name.'");'.$this->NL;
				$this->type = 'warn';
			case 4: // Push Error to firebug console
				echo 'console.error("'.$name.'");'.$this->NL;
				$this->type = 'error';
			case 5: // Push Debug to firebug console
				echo 'console.debug("'.$name.'");'.$this->NL;
				$this->type = 'debug';
			case 6: // Push Exception to firebug console
				echo 'console.warn("'.$name.'");'.$this->NL;
				$this->type = 'warn';
		if (!empty($var)) {
			if (is_object($var) || is_array($var)) {
				//echo'</script>';print_r($var);echo json_encode($var);
				$object = json_encode($var);
				echo 'var object'.preg_replace('~[^A-Z|0-9]~i',"_",$name).' = \''.str_replace("'","\'",$object).'\';'.$this->NL;
				echo 'var val'.preg_replace('~[^A-Z|0-9]~i',"_",$name).' = eval("(" + object'.preg_replace('~[^A-Z|0-9]~i',"_",$name).' + ")" );'.$this->NL;
				echo 'console.'.$this->type.'(val'.preg_replace('~[^A-Z|0-9]~i',"_",$name).');'.$this->NL;
			} else { // not an object or array so we will just pass it to the console as a string
				echo 'console.'.$this->type.'("'.str_replace('"','\\"',$var).'");'.$this->NL;
		echo '</script>'.$this->NL;

* Push PHP Errors to FireBug Console
function consoleLogPHPError($errno,$errstr,$errfile,$errline) {
	global $console; // pull in $console object
    switch ($errno) {
        case E_NOTICE:
        case E_USER_NOTICE:
            $errorType = "Notice";
            $consoleType = "warn";
        case E_WARNING:
        case E_USER_WARNING:
            $errorType = "Warning";
            $consoleType = "warn";
        case E_ERROR:
        case E_USER_ERROR:
            $errorType = "Fatal Error";
            $consoleType = "error";
            $errorType = "Unknown";
            $consoleType = "warn";
	$errstr = str_replace('  ',' ',preg_replace('/\[.*?\]:/i','',$errstr)); // no need for the function link back in console log
	if (is_object($console)) $console->$consoleType('[PHP '.$errorType.'][' . $errfile . ':' . $errline . '] '.str_replace("'","\'",$errstr));
    if (ini_get('log_errors')) error_log(sprintf("PHP %s: %s in %s on line %d", $errorType, $errstr, $errfile, $errline));

* Global Function to Push PHP Fatal Errors to FireBug Console
function consoleLogPHPExit() {
	global $console; // pull in $console object
	if ($err = error_get_last()) {
		$errstr = $err['message'];
		$errfile = $err['file'];
		$errline = $err['line'];
		$errstr = str_replace('  ',' ',preg_replace('/\[.*?\]:/i','',$errstr)); // no need for the href link here
		if (is_object($console)) $console->error('[PHP Fatal Error][' . $errfile . ':' . $errline . '] '.str_replace("'","\'",$errstr));
	} else {
		if (is_object($console)) $console->debug('PHP Load Complete, no fatal errors received.');

* Global Function to Push PHP UnCaught Exceptions to FireBug Console
function consoleLogPHPExceptions($e) {
	global $console; // pull in $console object
	$trace = $e->getTrace();
	$errstr = $e->getMessage();
	// when ADODB Exceptions are thrown $errstr contains illegal characters
	// that cause javascript to error so we'll just rename it here
	if (stristr($errstr,'mysql error')) { $errstr = 'mySQL Error Trace'; }
	$console->exception('[PHP Exception]: '.$errstr,$trace);

Initial URL

Initial Description
This PHP Class allows automatic logging all PHP errors to the firebug console.  You can also use this class to push information directly to the console from within PHP.

Initial Title
Log PHP Errors,Notices,Warnings,Exceptions and Debugging to Firebug Console

Initial Tags

Initial Language