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Revision: 52501
at October 25, 2011 05:58 by uberdragon

Initial Code
function colorPalette($imageFile, $numColors, $granularity = 5) 
   $granularity = max(1, abs((int)$granularity)); 
   $colors = array(); 
   $size = @getimagesize($imageFile); 
   if($size === false) 
      user_error("Unable to get image size data"); 
      return false; 
   $img = @imagecreatefromjpeg($imageFile); 
      user_error("Unable to open image file"); 
      return false; 
   for($x = 0; $x < $size[0]; $x += $granularity) 
      for($y = 0; $y < $size[1]; $y += $granularity) 
         $thisColor = imagecolorat($img, $x, $y); 
         $rgb = imagecolorsforindex($img, $thisColor); 
         $red = round(round(($rgb['red'] / 0x33)) * 0x33); 
         $green = round(round(($rgb['green'] / 0x33)) * 0x33); 
         $blue = round(round(($rgb['blue'] / 0x33)) * 0x33); 
         $thisRGB = sprintf('%02X%02X%02X', $red, $green, $blue); 
         if(array_key_exists($thisRGB, $colors)) 
            $colors[$thisRGB] = 1; 
   return array_slice(array_keys($colors), 0, $numColors); 
// sample usage: 
$palette = colorPalette('rmnp8.jpg', 10, 4); 
echo "<table>\n"; 
foreach($palette as $color) 
   echo "<tr><td style='background-color:#$color;width:2em;'>&nbsp;</td><td>#$color</td></tr>\n"; 
echo "</table>\n";


Initial URL

Initial Description
This gives you an array whose values are higher for how often that color has been used.

Initial Title
colorPalette Function returns all colors in an image

Initial Tags

Initial Language