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Revision: 52671
at October 29, 2011 01:50 by vagrantradio

Updated Code
jQuery(function() {
		rules: {
			bus_ent_id: "required", //only one method doesn't need brackets
			inv_in_transit: {required:true,number:true}, //multiple methods requires brackets
			outstanding_credits: {required:true,number:true},
			cores_on_hand: {required:true,number:true},
			warranty_part_on_hand: {required:true,number:true},
			comments: {maxlength:500},
			submitted_by: "required"	
		messages: {
			bus_ent_id: "You must choose your store from the drop down list.",
			inv_in_transit: "You must enter a valid Quantity Inventory in Transit amount. If none, please enter 0",
			outstanding_credits: "You must enter a valid Outstanding Credit amount. If none, please enter 0",
			cores_on_hand: "You must enter a valid Core on Hand amount. If none, please enter 0",
			warranty_part_on_hand: "You must enter a valid Warranty Part on Hand amount. If none, please enter 0",
			comments: "Must be under 500 characters in length",
			submitted_by: "This form is not complete. Submitted by is Empty! Please enter your name."

Revision: 52670
at October 29, 2011 01:47 by vagrantradio

Initial Code
jQuery(function() {
		rules: {
			bus_ent_id: "required", //only one method doesn't need brackets
			inv_in_transit: {required:true,number:true}, //multiple methods requires brackets
			outstanding_credits: {required:true,number:true},
			cores_on_hand: {required:true,number:true},
			warranty_part_on_hand: {required:true,number:true},
			comments: maxlength:500,
			submitted_by: "required"	
		messages: {
			bus_ent_id: "You must choose your store from the drop down list.",
			inv_in_transit: "You must enter a valid Quantity Inventory in Transit amount. If none, please enter 0",
			outstanding_credits: "You must enter a valid Outstanding Credit amount. If none, please enter 0",
			cores_on_hand: "You must enter a valid Core on Hand amount. If none, please enter 0",
			warranty_part_on_hand: "You must enter a valid Warranty Part on Hand amount. If none, please enter 0",
			comments: "Must be under 500 characters in length",
			submitted_by: "This form is not complete. Submitted by is Empty! Please enter your name."

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
jQuery Validate Plugin Formatting

Initial Tags

Initial Language