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Revision: 53181
at November 15, 2011 18:10 by Barlon

Initial Code
body {
  background: url(../backgroundForNotSupportedBrowsers.png) repeat-x fixed -80% 0;
    url(../img1.png) repeat-x fixed -130% 0,
    url(../img2.png) repeat-x fixed 40% 0,
    url(../img3.png) repeat-x fixed -80% 0,
    url(../img4.png) repeat-x fixed 100% 0;
  background-color: #123456;

Initial URL

Initial Description
img1.png is closest to the viewer and img4.png furthest.
This will create a feeling of stuff moving around when resizing the browserwindow.

Initial Title
CSS3 multiple backgrounds

Initial Tags

Initial Language