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Revision: 53314
at November 18, 2011 21:32 by haxpor

Initial Code
# Handy script for using pngcrush to compress the size of png files in multiple folders

$dir = "C:/Users/Haxpor/Desktop/in";
$out = "C:/Users/Haxpor/Desktop/out/";

opendir(DIR, $dir) || die("Cannot open directory");
@folders = readdir(DIR);

foreach $folder (@folders)
	# read in each folder
	opendir(SUBFOLDER, $dir."/".$folder) || print("Error reading $folder\n");
	@files = readdir(SUBFOLDER);
	# create dir in output folder
	# process each file
	foreach $file (@files)
		if(-f $dir."/".$folder."/".$file && $file =~ /.*.png/i)
			system("pngcrush $dir/$folder/$file $out/$folder/$file");
	print "\n";

Initial URL

Initial Description
Wrote this script to work with pngcrush command line based program on Windows system to compress several .png images in multiple folders (with only 1 level of folders, rather than that you have to repeat doing it manually).

It's fast, and help doing the task at hand but it's completely clean.

Please note that the code doesn't take care for all un-expected result, it just does the job in controlled environment.

This script relates to my optimization on application's file size, check it out at the URL above.

Initial Title
Perl script working with pngcrush, for 1 level of folder hierarchy

Initial Tags

Initial Language