Revision: 6174
Updated Code
at May 3, 2008 14:03 by evanwalsh
Updated Code
<?php class TextiLite{ /* TextiLite: A lightweight version of Textile built with PHP by Evan Walsh Version 001 Based on the work of: Supports: <br/> by the way of newline *Text* => <strong>Text</strong> _Text_ => <em>Text</em> !http://image.url! => <img src="http://image.url"/> "Text":http://text.url => <a href="http://text.url" title="Text">Text</a> */ function paragraph($text){ $paragraphs = explode("\n\n", $text); $output = null; foreach($paragraphs as $paragraph) { $output .= "\n<p>".$paragraph."</p>\n"; } return $output; } function textile($text = null){ $regex = array( '/(.+)\n(.+)/', '/\*([^\*]+)\*/', '/\_([^\*]+)\_/', '/(!)((?:http|https)(?::\\/{2}[\\w]+)(?:[\\/|\\.]?)(?:[^\\s"]*))(!)/', '/(")(.*?)(").*?((?:http|https)(?::\\/{2}[\\w]+)(?:[\\/|\\.]?)(?:[^\\s"]*))/', ); $replace = array( "$1<br/>$2", "<strong>$1</strong>", "<em>$1</em>", "<img src=\"$2\"/>", "<a href=\"$4\" title=\"$2\">$2</a>", ); return preg_replace($regex,$replace,$text); } function process($text){ $text = $this->paragraph($text); $text = $this->textile($text); return $text; } } ?>
Revision: 6173
Initial Code
Initial URL
Initial Description
Initial Title
Initial Tags
Initial Language
at May 3, 2008 14:01 by evanwalsh
Initial Code
<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); class TextiLite{ /* TextiLite: A lightweight version of Textile built with PHP by Evan Walsh Version 001 Based on the work of: Supports: <br/> by the way of newline *Text* => <strong>Text</strong> _Text_ => <em>Text</em> !http://image.url! => <img src="http://image.url"/> "Text":http://text.url => <a href="http://text.url" title="Text">Text</a> */ function paragraph($text){ $paragraphs = explode("\n\n", $text); $output = null; foreach($paragraphs as $paragraph) { $output .= "\n<p>".$paragraph."</p>\n"; } return $output; } function textile($text = null){ $regex = array( '/(.+)\n(.+)/', '/\*([^\*]+)\*/', '/\_([^\*]+)\_/', '/(!)((?:http|https)(?::\\/{2}[\\w]+)(?:[\\/|\\.]?)(?:[^\\s"]*))(!)/', '/(")(.*?)(").*?((?:http|https)(?::\\/{2}[\\w]+)(?:[\\/|\\.]?)(?:[^\\s"]*))/', ); $replace = array( "$1<br/>$2", "<strong>$1</strong>", "<em>$1</em>", "<img src=\"$2\"/>", "<a href=\"$4\" title=\"$2\">$2</a>", ); return preg_replace($regex,$replace,$text); } function process($text){ $text = $this->paragraph($text); $text = $this->textile($text); return $text; } } ?>
Initial URL
Initial Description
This is a version of Textile that only accepts paragraps, bold, italics, links, and images. Enjoy.
Initial Title
Mini Textile class
Initial Tags
class, html
Initial Language