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Revision: 53641
at November 30, 2011 10:47 by nielsenrc

Updated Code
//In the controller: 

public function index() {
                 $this->data['content'] = 'your-views-name'; 
                 $this->load->view('your-templates-name', $this->data);

//In the view:

<?php $this->load->view($content); ?>

Revision: 53640
at November 30, 2011 10:07 by nielsenrc

Initial Code
//In the controller: 

public function index() {
                 $this->data['content'] = 'your-views-name'; 
                 $this->load->view('your-templates-name', $this->data);

//In the view:

<?php $this->view($content); ?>

Initial URL

Initial Description
Basically, a simple way to use a templating system in 
CodeIgniter. In your data array, add a view as the value for content. Pass that to the view, then print the $content variable in the view.

Initial Title
Simple CodeIgniter Templating

Initial Tags

Initial Language