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Revision: 53659
at November 30, 2011 21:28 by mattstabeler

Initial Code
public void onConnect(Process p, Simulation s) {
		// do the business
		List<BubbleHMessage> toSend = new LinkedList<BubbleHMessage>();
		BubbleHProcess process = (BubbleHProcess) p;

		// on N connected with encountered node P
		// for each message M (for destination D) in buffer of N
		// Identify bridging community (BC), smallest community containing N and
		// D.
		// IF P == D
		// then pass the message
		// ELSE IF P shares a community with D that is smaller than BC
		// then pass the message.
		// ELSE IF P is more central in BC than N
		// then pass the message.

		String hopcode = null;
		// foreach message in my buffer
		for (BubbleHMessage message : my_buffer) {

			 * Identify smallest community that Self and Destination share =
			 * Bridging Community
			 * */
			int my_bridge_community = my_oracle.bridgeCommunity(my_node.getID(), message.dest);
			//int his_bridge_community = BubbleHeirarchyOracle.bridgeCommunity(process.getNode().getID(), message.dest, my_properties);
			// if encountered node is destination
			if (process.getNode().getID() == message.dest) {
				// pass it on to them.
			} else {
				int remote_bridge = my_oracle.bridgeCommunity(process.getNode().getID(), message.dest);
				if (my_oracle.isBetter(remote_bridge, my_bridge_community)) {
					// if P is in community with message.dest, that is smaller
					// than BC
					// pass message
				} else if (process.getCommunities().contains(my_bridge_community)) {// if both nodes are in the bridge community
					// if the rank of the encountered node is higher, pass the message
					if (process.getlocalRank(my_bridge_community) > getlocalRank(my_bridge_community)) {
						// pass message
						message.setHopCode("RANKBC-" + my_bridge_community);
				} else {
					// process is not destination, is not in a smaller community
					// with the destination, and is not in the bridge community,
					// therefore we do not pass the message to it
		for (BubbleHMessage message : toSend) {
			s.sendMessage(this, process, message);
			my_buffer.remove(message); // not sure if this is strictly part of
			// BubbleRap, however to get anything like
			// the cost figures they quote, it seems
			// like the only way!

Initial URL

Initial Description
onConnect method used by the BubbleHProcess in the ContactSim simulator.

Initial Title
BubbleHProcess onConnect method

Initial Tags

Initial Language