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Revision: 54935
at January 18, 2012 20:46 by burnandbass

Initial Code
package  {
	import flash.utils.Timer;
	public class AutoPilot extends EventDispatcher {
		//static const for event dispatching
		public static const CHANGE:String = "slideChange";       // dispatched every time slide changes
		public static const STOP:String = "slideStop";          // dispatched on stop();
		public static const PLAY:String = "slidePlay";         // dispatched on play();
		public static const RESUME:String = "slideResume";    // dispatched on resume();
		//autoPilot variables
		private var _slides:Number;
		private var _slideTime:Number;
		private var _currentSlide:Number;
		private var _timer:Timer;
		Author: Chrysto Panayotov ([email protected] for chromeye dev team);
		@__slides:Number --> number of slides to be cycled;
		@_slideTime:Number --> time (in seconds) for the slides to change;
		@_autoStart:Boolean ( default true ) --> does the autoStart start automaticly or wait for start();
		public function AutoPilot(__slides:Number, __slideTime:Number, _autoStart:Boolean = true) {
			_currentSlide = 0;
			_slides = __slides;
			_slideTime = __slideTime;
			_timer = new Timer(_slideTime*1000);
			_timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, changeSlide);
		//plays from 0
		public function play():void{
			_currentSlide = 0;
			dispatchEvent( new Event(AutoPilot.CHANGE) );
			dispatchEvent( new Event(AutoPilot.PLAY) );
		public function stop():void{
			dispatchEvent( new Event(AutoPilot.STOP) );
		public function resume():void{
			dispatchEvent( new Event(AutoPilot.RESUME) );
		private function changeSlide(event:Event = null):void{
			_currentSlide = ( ++_currentSlide % _slides );
			dispatchEvent( new Event(AutoPilot.CHANGE) );
		public function get currentSlide():Number{
			return _currentSlide;
		public function get nextSlide():Number{
			return _currentSlide < _slides-1 ? _currentSlide+1 % _slides : 0;
		public function get previousSlide():Number{
			return _currentSlide > 0 ? _currentSlide-1 : _slides-1;

Initial URL
cycyle, slideshow, banner

Initial Description
This is lightwave script, made for banners/slideshows. You pass number items, time for slide and autostart. If you have 5 items and pass 2 seconds each, trought 2 seconds interval the numbers will be sldied (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3..) and event will be passed. The code is self-explanary, for some real-world examples write me a comment

Initial Title
AutoPilot - cycle items in some seconds

Initial Tags

Initial Language
ActionScript 3