Revision: 55097
Updated Code
at January 31, 2012 05:50 by magicrebirth
Updated Code
# in your, or from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse class Admin(ModelAdmin): # ps: this will catch the change action only; for add actions override the response_add method in a similar way def response_change(self, request, obj): """ custom method that cacthes a new 'save and edit next' action Remember that the type of 'obj' is the current model instance, so we can use it dynamically! """ opts = obj._meta verbose_name = opts.verbose_name module_name = opts.module_name pk_value = obj._get_pk_val() if "_addnextid" in request.POST: msg = _("""The %(name)s "%(obj)s" was added successfully. Now you're editing the following %(name)s, according to its ID number.""") % {'name': force_unicode(verbose_name), 'obj': obj} self.message_user(request, msg) try: next_obj = [ for x in obj.__class__.objects.filter(id__gt=pk_value).order_by('id')][0] except: print "ERROR" next_obj = pk_value return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('admin:%s_%s_change' % (opts.app_label, module_name), args=(next_obj,), else: return super(obj.Admin, self).response_change(request, obj) # OPTION 1 : then override submit_line.html => it'll make the new button appear on all change forms {% load i18n %} <div class="submit-row" {% if is_popup %}style="overflow: auto;"{% endif %}> {% if show_save %}<input type="submit" value="{% trans 'Save' %}" class="default" name="_save" {{ onclick_attrib }}/>{% endif %} {% if show_delete_link %}<p class="deletelink-box"><a href="delete/" class="deletelink">{% trans "Delete" %}</a></p>{% endif %} {% if show_save_as_new %}<input type="submit" value="{% trans 'Save as new' %}" name="_saveasnew" {{ onclick_attrib }}/>{%endif%} {# ADD ON: EDIT NEXT ID ITEM LINK: we don't show it if a new item is being added by using the 'delete' flag #} {% if show_delete_link %}<input type="submit" value="{% trans 'Save and edit next item (by ID)' %}" name="_addnextid" {{ onclick_attrib }} />{% endif %} {% if show_save_and_add_another %}<input type="submit" value="{% trans 'Save and add another' %}" name="_addanother" {{ onclick_attrib }} />{% endif %} {% if show_save_and_continue %}<input type="submit" value="{% trans 'Save and continue editing' %}" name="_continue" {{ onclick_attrib }}/>{% endif %} </div> # OPTION 2 : add the new button via js ==> you can more easily decide which model template the button should appear on # # static/js/admin_addon.js function update_document() { // for the Source template: $('input[name="_addanother"]').before('<input type="submit" name="_addnextid" value="Save and edit next item (by ID)"/>'); } // give time to jquery to load.. setTimeout("update_document();", 1000); # class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): class Media: js = ("js/admin_addon.js",)
Revision: 55096
Updated Code
at January 31, 2012 05:13 by magicrebirth
Updated Code
# in your, or from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse class Admin(ModelAdmin): def response_change(self, request, obj): """ custom method that cacthes a new 'save and edit next' action Remember that the type of 'obj' is the current model instance, so we can use it dynamically! """ opts = obj._meta verbose_name = opts.verbose_name module_name = opts.module_name pk_value = obj._get_pk_val() if "_addnextid" in request.POST: msg = _("""The %(name)s "%(obj)s" was added successfully. Now you're editing the following %(name)s, according to its ID number.""") % {'name': force_unicode(verbose_name), 'obj': obj} self.message_user(request, msg) try: next_obj = [ for x in obj.__class__.objects.filter(id__gt=pk_value).order_by('id')][0] except: print "ERROR" next_obj = pk_value return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('admin:%s_%s_change' % (opts.app_label, module_name), args=(next_obj,), else: return super(obj.Admin, self).response_change(request, obj) # OPTION 1 : then override submit_line.html => it'll make the new button appear on all change forms {% load i18n %} <div class="submit-row" {% if is_popup %}style="overflow: auto;"{% endif %}> {% if show_save %}<input type="submit" value="{% trans 'Save' %}" class="default" name="_save" {{ onclick_attrib }}/>{% endif %} {% if show_delete_link %}<p class="deletelink-box"><a href="delete/" class="deletelink">{% trans "Delete" %}</a></p>{% endif %} {% if show_save_as_new %}<input type="submit" value="{% trans 'Save as new' %}" name="_saveasnew" {{ onclick_attrib }}/>{%endif%} {# ADD ON: EDIT NEXT ID ITEM LINK: we don't show it if a new item is being added by using the 'delete' flag #} {% if show_delete_link %}<input type="submit" value="{% trans 'Save and edit next item (by ID)' %}" name="_addnextid" {{ onclick_attrib }} />{% endif %} {% if show_save_and_add_another %}<input type="submit" value="{% trans 'Save and add another' %}" name="_addanother" {{ onclick_attrib }} />{% endif %} {% if show_save_and_continue %}<input type="submit" value="{% trans 'Save and continue editing' %}" name="_continue" {{ onclick_attrib }}/>{% endif %} </div> # OPTION 2 : add the new button via js ==> you can more easily decide which model template the button should appear on # # static/js/admin_addon.js function update_document() { // for the Source template: $('input[name="_addanother"]').before('<input type="submit" name="_addnextid" value="Save and edit next item (by ID)"/>'); } // give time to jquery to load.. setTimeout("update_document();", 1000); # class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): class Media: js = ("js/admin_addon.js",)
Revision: 55095
Updated Code
at January 26, 2012 23:43 by magicrebirth
Updated Code
# in your, or class Admin(ModelAdmin): def response_change(self, request, obj): """ custom method that cacthes a new 'save and edit next' action Remember that the type of 'obj' is the current model instance, so we can use it dynamically! """ opts = obj._meta verbose_name = opts.verbose_name module_name = opts.module_name pk_value = obj._get_pk_val() if "_addnextid" in request.POST: msg = _("""The %(name)s "%(obj)s" was added successfully. Now you're editing the following %(name)s, according to its ID number.""") % {'name': force_unicode(verbose_name), 'obj': obj} self.message_user(request, msg) try: next_obj = [ for x in obj.__class__.objects.filter(id__gt=pk_value).order_by('id')][0] except: print "ERROR" next_obj = pk_value return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('admin:%s_%s_change' % (opts.app_label, module_name), args=(next_obj,), else: return super(obj.Admin, self).response_change(request, obj) # OPTION 1 : then override submit_line.html => it'll make the new button appear on all change forms {% load i18n %} <div class="submit-row" {% if is_popup %}style="overflow: auto;"{% endif %}> {% if show_save %}<input type="submit" value="{% trans 'Save' %}" class="default" name="_save" {{ onclick_attrib }}/>{% endif %} {% if show_delete_link %}<p class="deletelink-box"><a href="delete/" class="deletelink">{% trans "Delete" %}</a></p>{% endif %} {% if show_save_as_new %}<input type="submit" value="{% trans 'Save as new' %}" name="_saveasnew" {{ onclick_attrib }}/>{%endif%} {# ADD ON: EDIT NEXT ID ITEM LINK: we don't show it if a new item is being added by using the 'delete' flag #} {% if show_delete_link %}<input type="submit" value="{% trans 'Save and edit next item (by ID)' %}" name="_addnextid" {{ onclick_attrib }} />{% endif %} {% if show_save_and_add_another %}<input type="submit" value="{% trans 'Save and add another' %}" name="_addanother" {{ onclick_attrib }} />{% endif %} {% if show_save_and_continue %}<input type="submit" value="{% trans 'Save and continue editing' %}" name="_continue" {{ onclick_attrib }}/>{% endif %} </div> # OPTION 2 : add the new button via js ==> you can more easily decide which model template the button should appear on # # static/js/admin_addon.js function update_document() { // for the Source template: $('input[name="_addanother"]').before('<input type="submit" name="_addnextid" value="Save and edit next item (by ID)"/>'); } // give time to jquery to load.. setTimeout("update_document();", 1000); # class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): class Media: js = ("js/admin_addon.js",)
Revision: 55094
Updated Code
at January 26, 2012 23:41 by magicrebirth
Updated Code
# in your, or class Admin(ModelAdmin): def response_change(self, request, obj): """ custom method that cacthes a new 'save and edit next' action Remember that the type of 'obj' is the current model instance, so we can use it dynamically! """ opts = obj._meta verbose_name = opts.verbose_name module_name = opts.module_name pk_value = obj._get_pk_val() if "_addnextid" in request.POST: msg = _("""The %(name)s "%(obj)s" was added successfully. Now you're editing the following %(name)s, according to its ID number.""") % {'name': force_unicode(verbose_name), 'obj': obj} self.message_user(request, msg) try: next_obj = [ for x in obj.__class__.objects.filter(id__gt=pk_value).order_by('id')][0] except: print "ERROR" next_obj = pk_value return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('admin:%s_%s_change' % (opts.app_label, module_name), args=(next_obj,), else: return super(obj.Admin, self).response_change(request, obj) # OPTION 1 : then override submit_line.html => it'll make the new button appear on all change forms {% load i18n %} <div class="submit-row" {% if is_popup %}style="overflow: auto;"{% endif %}> {% if show_save %}<input type="submit" value="{% trans 'Save' %}" class="default" name="_save" {{ onclick_attrib }}/>{% endif %} {% if show_delete_link %}<p class="deletelink-box"><a href="delete/" class="deletelink">{% trans "Delete" %}</a></p>{% endif %} {% if show_save_as_new %}<input type="submit" value="{% trans 'Save as new' %}" name="_saveasnew" {{ onclick_attrib }}/>{%endif%} {# ADD ON: EDIT NEXT ID ITEM LINK: we don't show it if a new item is being added by using the 'delete' flag #} {% if show_delete_link %}<input type="submit" value="{% trans 'Save and edit next item (by ID)' %}" name="_addnextid" {{ onclick_attrib }} />{% endif %} {% if show_save_and_add_another %}<input type="submit" value="{% trans 'Save and add another' %}" name="_addanother" {{ onclick_attrib }} />{% endif %} {% if show_save_and_continue %}<input type="submit" value="{% trans 'Save and continue editing' %}" name="_continue" {{ onclick_attrib }}/>{% endif %} </div> # OPTION 2 : add the new button via js ==> you can more easily decide which model template the button should appear on # static/js/admin_addon.js function update_document() { // for the Source template: $('input[name="_addanother"]').before('<input type="submit" name="_addnextid" value="Save and edit next item (by ID)"/>'); } // give time to jquery to load.. setTimeout("update_document();", 1000); # class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): class Media: js = ("js/admin_addon.js",)
Revision: 55093
Updated Code
at January 26, 2012 04:50 by magicrebirth
Updated Code
# in your, or class Admin(ModelAdmin): def response_change(self, request, obj): """ custom method that cacthes a new 'save and edit next' action Remember that the type of 'obj' is the current model instance, so we can use it dynamically! """ opts = obj._meta verbose_name = opts.verbose_name module_name = opts.module_name pk_value = obj._get_pk_val() if "_addnextid" in request.POST: msg = _("""The %(name)s "%(obj)s" was added successfully. Now you're editing the following %(name)s, according to its ID number.""") % {'name': force_unicode(verbose_name), 'obj': obj} self.message_user(request, msg) try: next_obj = [ for x in obj.__class__.objects.filter(id__gt=pk_value).order_by('id')][0] except: print "ERROR" next_obj = pk_value return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('admin:%s_%s_change' % (opts.app_label, module_name), args=(next_obj,), else: return super(obj.Admin, self).response_change(request, obj) # then override submit_line.html {% load i18n %} <div class="submit-row" {% if is_popup %}style="overflow: auto;"{% endif %}> {% if show_save %}<input type="submit" value="{% trans 'Save' %}" class="default" name="_save" {{ onclick_attrib }}/>{% endif %} {% if show_delete_link %}<p class="deletelink-box"><a href="delete/" class="deletelink">{% trans "Delete" %}</a></p>{% endif %} {% if show_save_as_new %}<input type="submit" value="{% trans 'Save as new' %}" name="_saveasnew" {{ onclick_attrib }}/>{%endif%} {# ADD ON: EDIT NEXT ID ITEM LINK: we don't show it if a new item is being added by using the 'delete' flag #} {% if show_delete_link %}<input type="submit" value="{% trans 'Save and edit next item (by ID)' %}" name="_addnextid" {{ onclick_attrib }} />{% endif %} {% if show_save_and_add_another %}<input type="submit" value="{% trans 'Save and add another' %}" name="_addanother" {{ onclick_attrib }} />{% endif %} {% if show_save_and_continue %}<input type="submit" value="{% trans 'Save and continue editing' %}" name="_continue" {{ onclick_attrib }}/>{% endif %} </div>
Revision: 55092
Initial Code
Initial URL
Initial Description
Initial Title
Initial Tags
Initial Language
at January 26, 2012 04:35 by magicrebirth
Initial Code
# in your, or class Admin(ModelAdmin): def response_change(self, request, obj): """ custom method that cacthes a new 'save and edit next' action Remember that the type of 'obj' is the current model instance, so we can use it dynamically! """ opts = obj._meta verbose_name = opts.verbose_name module_name = opts.module_name pk_value = obj._get_pk_val() if "_addnextid" in request.POST: msg = _("""The %(name)s "%(obj)s" was added successfully. Now you're editing the following %(name)s, according to its ID number.""") % {'name': force_unicode(verbose_name), 'obj': obj} self.message_user(request, msg) try: next_obj = [ for x in obj.__class__.objects.filter(id__gt=pk_value).order_by('id')][0] except: print "ERROR" next_obj = pk_value return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('admin:%s_%s_change' % (opts.app_label, module_name), args=(next_obj,), else: return super(obj.Admin, self).response_change(request, obj)
Initial URL
Initial Description
Adding another button with name "addnextid" would trigger our custom action, that redirects the user to the changeform screen for the next available item (by ID). Then you can override admin/submit_line.html. Copy the version in contrib.admin.templates into your project. Mine is myproject/templates/admin/submit_line.html, but you could use /myproject/myapp/templates/admin/submit_line.html. Next, edit the copy and add the code for showing the 'Save and edit next item (by ID)' link, which is caught via the "_addnextid" name. p.s. The submit_line.html template is called in change_form.html via the {% submit_row %} tag.
Initial Title
Override the change_view in the admin
Initial Tags
Initial Language