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Revision: 715
at August 1, 2006 23:58 by ishikawa

Updated Code
creating the Subversion repository
% svnadmin create --fs-type fsfs path-to-svn-repos
% mkdir tmp
% cd tmp
% mkdir webframework
% cd webframework
% mkdir trunk branches tags
% cd ..
% svn import . file:///path-to-svn-repos --message 'Initial repository layout'

check client
% REPOS=svn+ssh://host/path-to-svn-repos
% svn list $REPOS

importing into the repository
% cd ~/Developer/Workspace/Eclipse/projectA/
% svn checkout $REPOS/projectA/trunk .

% svn add --force .
% svn revert --recursive build/*
% svn revert --recursive docs/*
% svn propset svn:ignore '*' build
% svn propset svn:ignore '*' docs

% svn commit -m 'Initial project.'


Revision: 714
at August 1, 2006 23:57 by ishikawa

Updated Code
Subversion Primer 

creating the Subversion repository
% svnadmin create --fs-type fsfs path-to-svn-repos
% mkdir tmp
% cd tmp
% mkdir webframework
% cd webframework
% mkdir trunk branches tags
% cd ..
% svn import . file:///path-to-svn-repos --message 'Initial repository layout'

check client
% REPOS=svn+ssh://host/path-to-svn-repos
% svn list $REPOS

importing into the repository
% cd ~/Developer/Workspace/Eclipse/projectA/
% svn checkout $REPOS/projectA/trunk .

% svn add --force .
% svn revert --recursive build/*
% svn revert --recursive docs/*
% svn propset svn:ignore '*' build
% svn propset svn:ignore '*' docs

% svn commit -m 'Initial project.'


Revision: 713
at August 1, 2006 23:56 by ishikawa

Initial Code
creating the Subversion repository
% svnadmin create --fs-type fsfs path-to-svn-repos
% mkdir tmp
% cd tmp
% mkdir webframework
% cd webframework
% mkdir trunk branches tags
% cd ..
% svn import . file:///path-to-svn-repos --message 'Initial repository layout'

check client
% REPOS=svn+ssh://host/path-to-svn-repos
% svn list $REPOS

importing into the repository
% cd ~/Developer/Workspace/Eclipse/projectA/
% svn checkout $REPOS/projectA/trunk .

% svn add --force .
% svn revert --recursive build/*
% svn revert --recursive docs/*
% svn propset svn:ignore '*' build
% svn propset svn:ignore '*' docs

% svn commit -m 'Initial project.'

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Subversion quickstart

Initial Tags

Initial Language