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Revision: 55472
at February 8, 2012 07:24 by chrisaiv

Initial Code
from pprint import pprint
import urllib, urllib2
import inspect
    import json
except ImportError:
    import simplejson as json

class LastFM:
    def __init__(self ):
        self.API_URL = ""
        self.API_KEY = "LAST_FM_API_KEY"
    def send_request(self, args, **kwargs):
        #Request specific args
        kwargs.update( args )
        #Global args
          "api_key":  self.API_KEY,
          "format":   "json"
            #Create an API Request
            url = self.API_URL + "?" + urllib.urlencode(kwargs)
            #Send Request and Collect it
            data = urllib2.urlopen( url )
            #Print it
            response_data = json.load( data )
            #Close connection
            return response_data
        except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
            print "HTTP error: %d" % e.code
        except urllib2.URLError, e:
            print "Network error: %s" % e.reason.args[1]

    def get_top_artists(self, method, dict ):
        #find the key          
        args = {
            "method":	method,
            "limit":	3
        for key in dict.keys():
          args[key] = dict[key]
        response_data = self.send_request( args )
        print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" + str( args["method"] ) + "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
        #Get the first artist from the JSON response and print their name
        for artist in response_data["topartists"]["artist"]:
          print artist["name"]
    def get_hyped_artists(self, method ):
      args = {
          "method":	method,
          "limit":	3
      response_data = self.send_request( args )
      print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" + str( args["method"] ) +"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
      #Get the first artist from the JSON response and print their name
      for artist in response_data["artists"]["artist"]:
        print artist["name"]
    def get_similar_tracks(self, method, dict ):
      args = {
          "method":	method,
          "limit":	3
      for key in dict.keys():
        args[key] = dict[key]
        print key, dict[key]
      response_data = self.send_request( args )
      print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" + str( args["method"] ) +"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
      #Get the first artist from the JSON response and print their name

      for artist in response_data["similartracks"]["track"]:
        print artist["name"], artist["artist"]["name"]

def main():
    last_request = LastFM()
    last_request.get_top_artists( "tag.gettopartists", { "tag": "rock" } )
    last_request.get_top_artists( "geo.gettopartists", { "country": "spain" } )
    last_request.get_hyped_artists( "chart.getHypedArtists" )
    last_request.get_similar_tracks( "track.getsimilar", {
                                    "track": "Ray of Light",
                                    "artist": "Madonna"})

if __name__ == "__main__": main()

Initial URL

Initial Description
I started messing around with the API and somehow just started building more and more service requests.  This should be enough to get anyone started on using Last.FM's API

Initial Title
Python: Last.Fm Advanced API Example

Initial Tags

Initial Language