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Revision: 55774
at February 22, 2012 04:38 by prwhitehead

Initial Code
class array_test implements ArrayAccess, Iterator, Countable 
	private $container = array();

	public function __construct() {}

	* to use ArrayAccess
	public function offsetSet($offset,$value) 
		if ($offset == "")
			$this->container[] = $value;
			$this->container[$offset] = $value;

	* to use ArrayAccess
	public function offsetExists($offset) 
		return isset($this->container[$offset]);

	* to use ArrayAccess
	public function offsetUnset($offset) 

	* to use ArrayAccess
	public function offsetGet($offset) 
		return isset($this->container[$offset]) ? $this->container[$offset] : null;

	* to use Iterator
	public function rewind() 

	* to use Iterator
	public function current() 
		return current($this->container);

	* to use Iterator
	public function key() 
		return key($this->container);

	* to use Iterator
	public function next() 
		return next($this->container);

	* to use Iterator
	public function valid() 
		return $this->current() !== false;

	* to use Countable
	public function count() 
		return count($this->container);

Initial URL

Initial Description
use an object as an array

Initial Title
PHP SPL ArrayAccess Iterator countable class

Initial Tags
class, php

Initial Language