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Revision: 56762
at April 15, 2012 00:51 by G470

Initial Code

/*======= Indexhibit full background image =========*/
/*=======        Plugin version 1.0        =========*/

/*  @author Steffen Görg aka G470 */

/*===================== USAGE ======================*/
/*== Upload your background image to your server, 
/*== add the plugin code with your image url to 
/*== your exhibit   
/*== <plug:full_background_image '' /> 

function full_background_image($url=false){
	$bgscript = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">$(function(){
	 $('body').append(\"<div id='bg' style='position: fixed;top: 0;left: 0;z-index: -1;width: 100%;height: 100%;overflow: hidden;'><div id='img' style='position: relative;width: 200%;height: 200%;top: -50%;left: -50%;overflow: hidden;'><img src='".$url."' alt='' style='display: inline-block;position: relative;min-width: 75% !important;min-height: 75% !important; max-width:inherit !important;' /></div></div>\"); });</script> ";
	return $bgscript;

Initial URL

Initial Description
Use this code to call the Plugin: 

Initial Title
Indexhibit Fullscreen Css Background

Initial Tags
plugin, background

Initial Language