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Revision: 6560
at May 30, 2008 12:25 by chombee

Updated Code
def addCollideMask(np,mask):
    """Add mask to the NodePath's existing collide mask (do a binary OR of
    the two bitmasks)."""
    np.setCollideMask(np.getCollideMask() | mask)

def removeCollideMask(np,mask):
    """Remove mask from the NodePath's existing collide mask (all bits set
    to 1 in mask will be set to 0 in the NodePath's mask)."""
    # Need to copy mask first to avoid modifying it in place.
    copy = mask & BitMask32.allOn()
    np.setCollideMask(np.getCollideMask() & copy)

Revision: 6559
at May 30, 2008 12:24 by chombee

Updated Code
def addCollideMask(np,mask):
    """Add mask to the NodePath's existing collide mask (do a binary OR of
    the two bitmasks)."""
    np.setCollideMask( | mask)

def removeCollideMask(np,mask):
    """Remove mask from the NodePath's existing collide mask (all bits set
    to 1 in mask will be set to 0 in the NodePath's mask)."""
    # Need to copy mask first to avoid modifying it in place.
    copy = mask & BitMask32.allOn()
    np.setCollideMask( & copy)

Revision: 6558
at May 30, 2008 12:20 by chombee

Initial Code
def addCollideMask(np,mask):
    """Add mask to the NodePath's existing collide mask (do a binary OR of
    the two bitmasks)."""
    np.setCollideMask( | mask)

def removeCollideMask(np,mask):
    """Remove mask from the NodePath's existing collide mask (all bits set
    to 1 in mask will be set to 0 in the NodePath's mask)."""
    np.setCollideMask( & mask)

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Adding and removing collide masks

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