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Revision: 58377
at July 11, 2012 22:18 by ptodorov

Updated Code
// PassHash.php (Utility class):
class PassHash {  
        // blowfish  
        private static $algo = '$2a';  
        // cost parameter  
        private static $cost = '$10';  
        // mainly for internal use  
        public static function unique_salt() {  
            return substr(sha1(mt_rand()),0,22);  
        // this will be used to generate a hash  
        public static function hash($password) {  
            return crypt($password,  
                        self::$algo .  
                        self::$cost .  
                        '$' . self::unique_salt());  
        // this will be used to compare a password against a hash  
        public static function check_password($hash, $password) {  
            $full_salt = substr($hash, 0, 29);  
            $new_hash = crypt($password, $full_salt);  
            return ($hash == $new_hash);  

// Usage during registration (creating a new user record) :

// include the class  
require ("PassHash.php");  
// read all form input from $_POST  
// ...  
// do your regular form validation stuff  
// ...  
// hash the password  
$pass_hash = PassHash::hash($_POST['password']);  
// store all user info in the DB, excluding $_POST['password']  
// store $pass_hash instead  
// ...    

// Usage during login (checking the user record) :

// include the class  
require ("PassHash.php");  
// read all form input from $_POST  
// ...  
// fetch the user record based on $_POST['username']  or similar  
// ...  
// check the password the user tried to login with  
if (PassHash::check_password($user['pass_hash'], $_POST['password'])) {  
     // grant access  
     // ...  
} else {  
     // deny access  
     // ...  

Revision: 58376
at July 11, 2012 16:48 by ptodorov

Initial Code
// PassHash.php (Utility class):
class PassHash {  
        // blowfish  
        private static $algo = '$2a';  
        // cost parameter  
        private static $cost = '$10';  
        // mainly for internal use  
        public static function unique_salt() {  
            return substr(sha1(mt_rand()),0,22);  
        // this will be used to generate a hash  
        public static function hash($password) {  
            return crypt($password,  
                        self::$algo .  
                        self::$cost .  
                        '$' . self::unique_salt());  
        // this will be used to compare a password against a hash  
        public static function check_password($hash, $password) {  
            $full_salt = substr($hash, 0, 29);  
            $new_hash = crypt($password, $full_salt);  
            return ($hash == $new_hash);  

// Usage during registration (creating a new user record) :

// include the class  
require ("PassHash.php");  
// read all form input from $_POST  
// ...  
// do your regular form validation stuff  
// ...  
// hash the password  
$pass_hash = PassHash::hash($_POST['password']);  
// store all user info in the DB, excluding $_POST['password']  
// store $pass_hash instead  
// ...    

// Usage during login (checking the user record) :

// include the class  
require ("PassHash.php");  
// read all form input from $_POST  
// ...  
// fetch the user record based on $_POST['username']  or similar  
// ...  
// check the password the user tried to login with  
if (PassHash::check_password($user['pass_hash'], $_POST['password']) {  
     // grant access  
     // ...  
} else {  
     // deny access  
     // ...  

Initial URL

Initial Description
Nice implementation of Blowfish for storing user passwords to prevent decryption when for example the user database is compromised. Origin: Burak Guzel@Nettuts

Initial Title
Password storing/checking class. Keeping passwords safe.

Initial Tags
login, security

Initial Language