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Revision: 59464
at September 9, 2012 21:48 by ashmenon

Initial Code

$name = 'Sandra James';
$age = 45;
$bloodType = 'B+';
$height = 175;
$weight = 65;

$patient1 = array(
				  'name' => $name,
				  'age' => $age,
				  'bloodType' => $bloodType,
				  'height' => $height,
				  'weight' => $weight

//You can do that in a single line like shown previously, I just broke it into multiple lines to make it easier to see.


/* That will show you the following: 

	  [name] => Sandra James
	  [age] => 45
	  [bloodType] => B+
	  [height] => 175
	  [weight] => 65


Initial URL

Initial Description
Beginner PHP Chapter 5 - Arrays

Initial Title
Beginner PHP Chapter 5 - Arrays - Code Block 7

Initial Tags

Initial Language