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Revision: 61683
at January 5, 2013 15:33 by wesheo

Updated Code
Group {
 inputs 2
 name Vignette
 tile_color 0x443925ff
 selected true
 xpos -213
 ypos -62
 addUserKnob {20 User l "Wes Vignette"}
 addUserKnob {4 imageFormat l Orientation t "Pick an orientation to set the initial size correctly." M {Landscape Portrait "" "" "" ""}}
 addUserKnob {6 preview l Preview t "Test vignette on a white background." -STARTLINE}
 addUserKnob {41 disable_1 l Disable -STARTLINE T Grade2.disable}
 addUserKnob {26 ""}
 addUserKnob {7 size l Size R 0.5 1.5}
 size 1
 addUserKnob {7 squash l Squash t "Real vignetting is circular. Use this to cheat for effect." R 0.3 1}
 squash 1
 addUserKnob {16 softness l Softness}
 softness 0.5
 addUserKnob {7 falloff l Falloff R 0.1 1.9}
 falloff 1
 addUserKnob {41 white l Tint T Grade2.white}
 addUserKnob {7 lightness l Lightness}
 lightness 0.1
 addUserKnob {41 mix l Mix T Grade2.mix}
 addUserKnob {26 ""}
 addUserKnob {26 mask l Mask T "defines an are not affected by vignette"}
 addUserKnob {7 blurSize l "Mask Blur" R 0 300}
 blurSize 100
 addUserKnob {41 mix_1 l Amount T ChannelMerge1.mix}
 addUserKnob {41 disable_2 l "Disable Mask" -STARTLINE T ChannelMerge1.disable}
 BackdropNode {
  inputs 0
  name BackdropNode2
  tile_color 0x7171c600
  label Portrait
  note_font_size 20
  xpos -64
  ypos -409
  bdwidth 155
  bdheight 158
 BackdropNode {
  inputs 0
  name BackdropNode1
  tile_color 0x7171c600
  label Landscape
  note_font_size 20
  xpos -244
  ypos -409
  bdwidth 155
  bdheight 158
 BackdropNode {
  inputs 0
  name BackdropNode3
  tile_color 0x7171c600
  label Preview
  note_font_size 20
  xpos -325
  ypos -186
  bdwidth 153
  bdheight 238
 StickyNote {
  inputs 0
  name StickyNote2
  label "Size of the outline"
  xpos -29
  ypos -142
 StickyNote {
  inputs 0
  name StickyNote4
  label "Tint and Lightness"
  xpos 209
  ypos -1
 StickyNote {
  inputs 0
  name StickyNote3
  label "Controls the Falloff"
  xpos -31
  ypos -101
 StickyNote {
  inputs 0
  name StickyNote1
  label "The scale of this transform node\nwill be regarded as 1"
  xpos -31
  ypos -194
 Input {
  inputs 0
  name mask
  xpos 253
  ypos -463
  number 1
 Blur {
  channels alpha
  size {{parent.blurSize i}}
  name Blur1
  xpos 253
  ypos -396
 Dot {
  name Dot4
  xpos 287
  ypos -47
 Radial {
  inputs 0
  cliptype none
  area {{(root.format.w-root.format.h)/2 i} {root.format.y i} {root.format.w-area.x i} {root.format.h i}}
  softness {{parent.softness i}}
  name Radial2
  xpos -26
  ypos -327
 Transform {
  scale {{parent.squash i} {1 i}}
  center {{root.format.w/2 i} {root.format.h/2 i}}
  name SquashP
  xpos -26
  ypos -292
 Dot {
  name Dot2
  xpos 8
  ypos -228
 Radial {
  inputs 0
  cliptype none
  area {{root.format.x i} {(root.format.h-root.format.w)/2 i} {root.format.w i} {root.format.h-area.y i}}
  softness {{parent.softness i}}
  name Radial1
  xpos -204
  ypos -325
 Transform {
  scale {{1 i} {parent.squash i}}
  center {{root.format.w/2 i} {root.format.h/2 i}}
  name SquashL
  xpos -204
  ypos -290
 Dot {
  name Dot1
  xpos -170
  ypos -228
 Switch {
  inputs 2
  which {{parent.imageFormat i}}
  name Switch2
  xpos -117
  ypos -231
 Transform {
  scale 1.2
  center {{root.format.w/2 i} {root.format.h/2 i}}
  name Transform2
  xpos -117
  ypos -193
 Transform {
  scale {{parent.size i}}
  center {{root.format.w/2 i} {root.format.h/2 i}}
  name Transform1
  xpos -117
  ypos -141
 Grade {
  channels alpha
  gamma {{parent.falloff i}}
  name Grade1
  xpos -117
  ypos -105
 ChannelMerge {
  inputs 2
  name ChannelMerge1
  selected true
  xpos -117
  ypos -62
 Invert {
  channels alpha
  name Invert1
  xpos -117
  ypos -5
set N18ca1720 [stack 0]
 Constant {
  inputs 0
  channels rgb
  color 1
  name Constant1
  xpos -290
  ypos -144
 Grade {
  inputs 1+1
  multiply {{parent.lightness i}}
  name Grade2
  xpos -290
  ypos 1
 set C18ca1d80 [stack 0]
 Dot {
  name Dot3
  xpos -256
  ypos 67
push $N18ca1720
 Input {
  inputs 0
  name Input1
  xpos 124
  ypos -463
clone $C18ca1d80 {
  inputs 1+1
  xpos 124
  ypos 1
  selected false
 Switch {
  inputs 2
  which {{parent.preview i}}
  name Switch1
  xpos 124
  ypos 64
 Output {
  name Output1
  xpos 124
  ypos 122
 Viewer {
  input_process false
  name Viewer1
  xpos -205
  ypos 183

Revision: 61682
at January 5, 2013 15:27 by wesheo

Initial Code
set cut_paste_input [stack 0]
version 6.3 v7
push 0
push $cut_paste_input
Group {
 inputs 2
 name Vignette
 tile_color 0x443925ff
 selected true
 xpos -213
 ypos -62
 addUserKnob {20 User l "Wes Vignette"}
 addUserKnob {4 imageFormat l Orientation t "Pick an orientation to set the initial size correctly." M {Landscape Portrait "" "" "" ""}}
 addUserKnob {6 preview l Preview t "Test vignette on a white background." -STARTLINE}
 addUserKnob {41 disable_1 l Disable -STARTLINE T Grade2.disable}
 addUserKnob {26 ""}
 addUserKnob {7 size l Size R 0.5 1.5}
 size 1
 addUserKnob {7 squash l Squash t "Real vignetting is circular. Use this to cheat for effect." R 0.3 1}
 squash 1
 addUserKnob {16 softness l Softness}
 softness 0.5
 addUserKnob {7 falloff l Falloff R 0.1 1.9}
 falloff 1
 addUserKnob {41 white l Tint T Grade2.white}
 addUserKnob {7 lightness l Lightness}
 lightness 0.1
 addUserKnob {41 mix l Mix T Grade2.mix}
 addUserKnob {26 ""}
 addUserKnob {26 mask l Mask T "defines an are not affected by vignette"}
 addUserKnob {7 blurSize l "Mask Blur" R 0 300}
 blurSize 100
 addUserKnob {41 mix_1 l Amount T ChannelMerge1.mix}
 addUserKnob {41 disable_2 l "Disable Mask" -STARTLINE T ChannelMerge1.disable}
 BackdropNode {
  inputs 0
  name BackdropNode2
  tile_color 0x7171c600
  label Portrait
  note_font_size 20
  xpos -64
  ypos -409
  bdwidth 155
  bdheight 158
 BackdropNode {
  inputs 0
  name BackdropNode1
  tile_color 0x7171c600
  label Landscape
  note_font_size 20
  xpos -244
  ypos -409
  bdwidth 155
  bdheight 158
 BackdropNode {
  inputs 0
  name BackdropNode3
  tile_color 0x7171c600
  label Preview
  note_font_size 20
  xpos -325
  ypos -186
  bdwidth 153
  bdheight 238
 StickyNote {
  inputs 0
  name StickyNote2
  label "Size of the outline"
  xpos -29
  ypos -142
 StickyNote {
  inputs 0
  name StickyNote4
  label "Tint and Lightness"
  xpos 209
  ypos -1
 StickyNote {
  inputs 0
  name StickyNote3
  label "Controls the Falloff"
  xpos -31
  ypos -101
 StickyNote {
  inputs 0
  name StickyNote1
  label "The scale of this transform node\nwill be regarded as 1"
  xpos -31
  ypos -194
 Input {
  inputs 0
  name mask
  xpos 253
  ypos -463
  number 1
 Blur {
  channels alpha
  size {{parent.blurSize i}}
  name Blur1
  xpos 253
  ypos -396
 Dot {
  name Dot4
  xpos 287
  ypos -47
 Radial {
  inputs 0
  cliptype none
  area {{(root.format.w-root.format.h)/2 i} {root.format.y i} {root.format.w-area.x i} {root.format.h i}}
  softness {{parent.softness i}}
  name Radial2
  xpos -26
  ypos -327
 Transform {
  scale {{parent.squash i} {1 i}}
  center {{root.format.w/2 i} {root.format.h/2 i}}
  name SquashP
  xpos -26
  ypos -292
 Dot {
  name Dot2
  xpos 8
  ypos -228
 Radial {
  inputs 0
  cliptype none
  area {{root.format.x i} {(root.format.h-root.format.w)/2 i} {root.format.w i} {root.format.h-area.y i}}
  softness {{parent.softness i}}
  name Radial1
  xpos -204
  ypos -325
 Transform {
  scale {{1 i} {parent.squash i}}
  center {{root.format.w/2 i} {root.format.h/2 i}}
  name SquashL
  xpos -204
  ypos -290
 Dot {
  name Dot1
  xpos -170
  ypos -228
 Switch {
  inputs 2
  which {{parent.imageFormat i}}
  name Switch2
  xpos -117
  ypos -231
 Transform {
  scale 1.2
  center {{root.format.w/2 i} {root.format.h/2 i}}
  name Transform2
  xpos -117
  ypos -193
 Transform {
  scale {{parent.size i}}
  center {{root.format.w/2 i} {root.format.h/2 i}}
  name Transform1
  xpos -117
  ypos -141
 Grade {
  channels alpha
  gamma {{parent.falloff i}}
  name Grade1
  xpos -117
  ypos -105
 ChannelMerge {
  inputs 2
  name ChannelMerge1
  selected true
  xpos -117
  ypos -62
 Invert {
  channels alpha
  name Invert1
  xpos -117
  ypos -5
set N18ca1720 [stack 0]
 Constant {
  inputs 0
  channels rgb
  color 1
  name Constant1
  xpos -290
  ypos -144
 Grade {
  inputs 1+1
  multiply {{parent.lightness i}}
  name Grade2
  xpos -290
  ypos 1
 set C18ca1d80 [stack 0]
 Dot {
  name Dot3
  xpos -256
  ypos 67
push $N18ca1720
 Input {
  inputs 0
  name Input1
  xpos 124
  ypos -463
clone $C18ca1d80 {
  inputs 1+1
  xpos 124
  ypos 1
  selected false
 Switch {
  inputs 2
  which {{parent.preview i}}
  name Switch1
  xpos 124
  ypos 64
 Output {
  name Output1
  xpos 124
  ypos 122
 Viewer {
  input_process false
  name Viewer1
  xpos -205
  ypos 183

Initial URL

Initial Description
My vignette toolset for Nuke. How to use this tool is explained in the url above.

Initial Title
Vignette Tool for Nuke

Initial Tags


Initial Language