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Revision: 61775
at January 14, 2013 22:08 by goo

Initial Code
function getImages($html) {
    $matches = array();
    $regex = '~*?)\.jpg~i';
    preg_match_all($regex, $html, $matches);
    foreach ($matches[1] as $img) {

function saveImg($name) {
    $url = ''.$name.'.jpg';
    $data = get_data($url);
    file_put_contents('photos/'.$name.'.jpg', $data);

$i = 1;
$l = 101;

while ($i < $l) {
    $html = get_data(''.$i.'/');
    $i += 1;

Initial URL

Initial Description
Here is a set of functions that can be very useful: Give this script the url of a webpage, and it will save all images from this page on your server.

Initial Title
Download and save images from a page using cURL

Initial Tags
download, images

Initial Language