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Revision: 62686
at March 6, 2013 07:03 by abrahamsustaita

Initial Code
$toXml = function ( &$xml, $data ) use ( &$toXml ) {
	foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) {
		$xml->addChild ( $key );
		if ( is_array ( $value ) ) {
			$toXml ( $xml->$key, $value );
		} else {
			$xml->$key = $value;

$data = array (
    "key1" => "value2",
    "key2" => array (
        "subkey1" => "subvalue1"
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement ( "<root />" );
$toXml ( $xml, $data );

echo $xml->asXML();

Initial URL


Initial Description
This snippet is a lambda function (anonymous function) to create an xml from an array. It uses recursiveness.

Initial Title
Lambda function to create XML from Array

Initial Tags
php, array, xml

Initial Language