Revision: 62736
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at March 9, 2013 03:26 by rickahontas
Initial Code
<?php add_action( 'admin_init', 'hide_editor' ); function hide_editor() { // Get the Post ID // $post_id = $_GET['post'] ? $_GET['post'] : $_POST['post_ID'] ; // if($post_id == '104'){ // Include in back-end only if ( ! defined( 'WP_ADMIN' ) || ! WP_ADMIN ) return false; // Always include for ajax if ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && DOING_AJAX ) return true; // Check for post IDs // $checked_post_IDs = array (1,2,3,4); $checked_post_IDs = array( 104 ); if ( isset( $_GET['post'] ) ) $post_id = $_GET['post']; elseif ( isset( $_POST['post_ID'] ) ) $post_id = $_POST['post_ID']; else $post_id = false; $post_id = (int) $post_id; if ( in_array( $post_id, $checked_post_IDs ) ) { remove_post_type_support('page', 'editor'); // add custom .js to footer for uploading images function custom_admin_js() { $url = get_option('siteurl'); $url = get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/library/js/libs/meta-content.js'; echo '"<script type="text/javascript" src="'. $url . '"></script>"'; } add_action('admin_footer', 'custom_admin_js'); } return true; // If no condition matched return false; } ?>
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Initial Description
This is a combined version of Bill Erickson's hide post editor and rilwis' Metabox include for specific IDs. It hides the editor for a specified post ID. You can have multiple IDs, just separate with commas.
Initial Title
Hide Page/Post Editor in Admin Backend
Initial Tags
post, page, wordpress
Initial Language