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Revision: 62899
at March 22, 2013 02:39 by apmartins

Initial Code
(function($) { = {
    attach: function(context, settings) {
      $('#view-id', context).ajaxStart(function(){
        $('#views-exposed-form-events-page,div.view-id-events', context).fadeTo(300, 0.5);
      $('#view-id', context).ajaxSuccess(function(){
         $('#views-exposed-form-events-page', context).fadeTo(300, 1.0);
         $('div.view-id-events', context).css('opacity', 0.5).fadeTo(300, 1.0);

Initial URL

Initial Description
Get the ajax complete event after filtering a view content in drupal

Initial Title
Drupal views ajax complete

Initial Tags
ajax, jquery, drupal

Initial Language