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Revision: 63274
at April 21, 2013 18:41 by lecksfrawen

Initial Code
Ext.apply(this, {
    // title: 'NOMBRE',
    // iconCls: 'ICONO',
    closable: true,
    autoScroll: true,
    layout: {
        type: 'table',
        columns: 2
    items: [{
        xtype: 'panel',
        width: 690,
        height: 597,
        items: [{
            // FILTROS
            // xtype: 'FILTROS',
            // autoScroll: true,
            height: 150
        }, {
            // GRID
            // xtype: 'GRID',
            // height: 420
            height: 425
    }, {
        // PANEL
        // xtype: 'PANEL',
        width: 470,
        height: 597,
        rowspan: 2,
        autoScroll: true
        // TOOLBAR
        // tbar: [{
        //  icon: 'resources/images/icons/core/add.png',
        //  text: 'Agregar Oportunidad',
        //  scope: this,
        //  handler: this.onAddClick
        // }, '->', {
        //  icon: 'resources/images/icons/save.png',
        //  text: 'Guardar cambios',
        //  // id:'vguardarcambios',
        //  disabled: true
        //  // scope: this,
        //  // handler: this.onEditClick
        // }]

Initial URL


Initial Description
# layout para un panel con scrollbars

Initial Title
layout with scrolls

Initial Tags

Initial Language