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Revision: 63895
at June 15, 2013 04:00 by mprabhuram

Updated Code
Note: To do

Start   = $L6
Finish  = $M6

Current = T$5
Previous= S$5

S >= P S <= C    C >= F (obvious) => Run Within
S >= P S <= C	 C <  F (obvious) => Start here
S <  P C >= F	 C >= F P <= F	  => Finish here     
S <  P (obvious) C <  F (obvious) => Passthrough 

Excel Formula

=IFERROR(IF(AND(start >= previous,start <= current, current >= Finish),4,
            IF(AND(start >= previous,start <= current, current < Finish),1,
         	IF(AND(start < previous, previous <= Finish, current >= Finish),2,
                    IF(AND(start < previous, current < Finish),0,""	

custom time format : m/d - h:mm AM/PM

Revision: 63894
at June 15, 2013 03:53 by mprabhuram

Initial Code
Note: To do

Start   = $L6
Finish  = $M6

Current = T$5
Previous= S$5

S >= P S <= C    C >= F (obvious) => Run Within
S >= P S <= C	 C <  F (obvious) => Start here
S <  P C >= F	 C >= F P <= F	  => Finish here     
S <  P (obvious) C <  F (obvious) => Passthrough 

Excel Formula

=IFERROR(IF(AND(start >= previous,start <= current, current >= Finish),4,
            IF(AND(start >= previous,start <= current, current < Finish),1,
         	IF(AND(start < previous, previous <= Finish, current >= Finish),2,
                    IF(AND(start < previous, current < Finish),0,""	

Initial URL

Initial Description
I wanted a time based gantt chart in excel. Robert's excel template was very useful. The hourly gantt chart was not useful to visualize my needs. I need something with 10 mins precision to analyse patterns in jobs that are running under 15 mins. So the following is the formula that i used to achive it. Its not perfect and i dont have time for perfect right now. Some time later i will have to get back to this and publish a excel template.

Initial Title
Time Based Gantt Chart in Excel

Initial Tags

Initial Language
Visual Basic