Revision: 64097
Initial Code
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at July 4, 2013 01:22 by rickygri
Initial Code
<?php function exists($url) { // Get file contents limited to one character as // the whole file isn't needed, only the response // header file_get_contents($url, NULL, NULL, 0, 1); // Parse response $response = $http_response_header[0]; // Split response to isolate reponse number $split = explode(" ", $response); // Return true if 200 header response received if ($split[1] == "200") return true; // Return false if 403 (not found) received else if ($split[1] == "403") return false; // Any other response return false else return false; } // Example usage - Check to see if image exists using img src url //$url = ""; $url = ""; if (exists($url)) echo "image exists"; else echo "image does not exist"; ?>
Initial URL
Initial Description
This function can be used to check if a file exists using the HTTP header response. Example use, when looping through cached JSON objects (instagram API, etc.)
Initial Title
If file exists function - server-side
Initial Tags
php, file
Initial Language