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Revision: 64325
at July 24, 2013 05:58 by madfedora

Initial Code
### Tiny IP Generator in Obf Python ###
### Written to Minimize Space Usage ###
exec("import re");exec((lambda p,y:(lambda o,b,f:re.sub(o,b,f))(r"([0-9a-f]+)",lambda m:p(m,y),"2b 8, 4, 12\n2a 11():\n\ta = 4.7(6) + 1\n\tb = 4.7(6) + 1\n\tc = 4.7(6) + 1\n\td = 4.7(6) + 1\n\t24 = \"%d.%d.%d.%d\" % (a,b,c,d)\n\t29 24\n3 \"\28 27\5\"\n26 25(8.e) < 2:\n\t3 \"23: ./10.9 [22]\"\n\t3 \"21: ./10.9 f\5\"\n\t3 \"20: ./10.9 f > 1f.1e\5\"\n\t8.1d(1)\n0 = []\n1c 1b 1a 19(18(8.e[1])):\n\t0.17(11())\n0 = 16(0)\n0 = 0[1:-1].15(\"\'\",\"\")\n3 12.14(\"\13\",\"\5\",0)"))(lambda a,b:b[int("0x",16)],"ips|1|2|print|random|n|255|randrange|sys|py|a|b|c|d|argv|50|igen|randip|re|s|sub|replace|str|append|int|xrange|in|x|for|exit|txt|file|Adv|Exm|amount|Usg|ip|len|if|Generator|nIP|return|def|import".split("|")))

Initial URL

Initial Description
A python IP generator works randomly. This project was made out of boredom. Have fun!

For non obfuscated code, contact me at [email protected]

Initial Title
Tiny IP Generator

Initial Tags

Initial Language