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Revision: 65236
at November 11, 2013 00:38 by greencocoa

Initial Code
\newtheoremstyle{quest}{\topsep}{\topsep}{}{}{\bfseries}{}{ }{\thmname{#1}\thmnote{ #3}}

\newtheorem*{aufgabe}{\large Aufgabe}
\newtheorem*{question}{\normalsize Fragestellung:}
\newtheorem*{taufgabe}{\small Teilaufgabe}
%% put your name here, so we know who to give credit to %%
%% and which homework assignment is it? %%%%%%%%%
%% put the correct number below              %%%%%%%%%
\large \name
\huge ${2:Mathe} \hfill ${3:Hausaufgabe} \hw}
\author{Moritz F.}
\markright{\name\hfill ${4:Hausaufgabe} \hw\qquad\hfill}

%% If you want to define a new command, you can do it like this:
%% If you want to use a function like ''sin'' or ''cos'', you can do it like this
%% (we probably won't have much use for this)
% \DeclareMathOperator{\sin}{sin}   %% just an example (it's already defined)



	<!-- Optional: Set a tabTrigger to define how to trigger the snippet -->
<tabTrigger>math_homework_temp</tabTrigger> -->
	<!-- Optional: Set a scope to limit where the snippet will trigger -->
	<scope>text.tex.latex</scope> -->

Initial URL


Initial Description
Sublime Text

Initial Title

Initial Tags
math, template

Initial Language