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Revision: 65313
at November 18, 2013 12:53 by janusoo

Initial Code
try(destroyDialog polyChecker)catch()
rollout polyChecker "Check Edge Length"
	label lbl_info
	group "Check Edge Length"
		spinner spn_edgeLength "Length Limit" range:[0,1000,1] align:#left width:130
		button btn_checkEdge "Check" align:#right
	group "Check Face"
		spinner spn_vertsCount "Verts Limit" range:[1,4,10] type:#integer align:#left width:130
		button btn_checkFace "Check" align:#right
	local warningNodes = #()
	fn checkFace obj =
		modPanel.setCurrentObject obj.baseObject
		subObjectLevel = 4
		faceCount = polyOp.getNumFaces obj
		facelist = for i = 1 to faceCount where (polyOp.getFaceVerts obj i).count > spn_vertsCount.value collect i
		polyOp.setFaceSelection obj facelist
		--subObjectLevel = 0
		if facelist.count > 0 then append warningNodes obj
		return facelist.count
	function getEdgeLength theEditablePoly iEdge =
		-- get vertexes defining the edge into an Array
		aiEdgeVerts = polyOp.getEdgeVerts theEditablePoly iEdge
		-- get vertexes positions into an Array
		ap3VertPosition = for iVert in aiEdgeVerts collect
		polyOp.getVert theEditablePoly iVert
		-- return the distance between vertexes
		result = distance ap3VertPosition[1] ap3VertPosition[2]
		return result
	function checkProcess obj edgeLength =
		target = obj
		if isKindOf target.baseObject Editable_Poly do
			modPanel.setCurrentObject target.baseObject
			subObjectLevel = 1
			vertsList = #()
			edgeList = #()
			edgeCount = polyOp.getNumEdges target
			for i = 1 to edgeCount do
				if (getEdgeLength target i) < edgeLength then
					append edgeList i
					for num in (polyOp.getEdgeVerts target i) do append vertsList num			  
			polyOp.setEdgeSelection target edgeList 
			polyOp.setVertSelection target vertsList
			return edgeList.count
	fn updateInfo str =
		lbl_info.text = str
	on btn_checkEdge pressed do
		updateInfo ((checkProcess $ spn_edgeLength.value) as string + " edges are found.")		
	on btn_checkFace pressed do
		errorCount = 0
		for o in selection where isKindOf o.baseObject Editable_Poly do
			errorCount += checkFace o
		subObjectLevel = 0
		if errorCount > 0 then
			select warningNodes
			updateInfo (errorCount as string + " faces got error.")
		) else (
			updateInfo "No error."
createDialog polyChecker

Initial URL

Initial Description
for editable poly only

Initial Title
check editable_poly edge length and face verts count.

Initial Tags

Initial Language