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Revision: 7810
at August 13, 2008 16:53 by dbug13

Updated Code

 * Strip a Phone number of all non alphanumeric characters
$phone = "+1(555)-555-1212";
$phone = preg_replace('/(\W*)/', '', $phone);
print $phone;

// Result: 15555551212


Revision: 7809
at August 13, 2008 16:52 by dbug13

Initial Code

 * Strip a Phone number of all non alphanumeric characters
$phone = "+1(555)-555-1212";
$phone = preg_replace('/(W*)/', '', $phone);
print $phone;

// Result: 15555551212


Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Strip phone number of all non alpha-numeric characters

Initial Tags
regex, php, textmate

Initial Language