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Revision: 7867
at August 18, 2008 18:41 by ScryptKeeper

Initial Code
Function stringToList(AString, ADelimt)

	Dim theList()
	Dim work
	Dim c1, arCount
	work = AString
	c1 = 1
	arCount = -1
	Do While (c1 > 0)
		c1 = InStr(work,ADelimt)
		If c1 > 0 Then
			arCount = arCount + 1
			ReDim Preserve theList(arCount)
			theList(arCount) = Left(work,(c1-1))			
			work = Mid(work,c1+1,Len(work))			
		End If
	arCount = arCount + 1
	ReDim Preserve theList(arCount)
	theList(arCount) = work
	stringToList = theList

End Function

Initial URL

Initial Description
Takes a delimited string and a the delimiter, and returns a dynamic arrary

Initial Title
stringToList (VBScript)

Initial Tags

Initial Language
Visual Basic