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Revision: 7886
at August 19, 2008 14:08 by dvdrtrgn

Updated Code

Since the curly braces literally mean "evaluate my contents as a string"

    print_r() or var_dump()
the superglobal $GLOBALS

to find out the variable names that have been created.


Revision: 7885
at August 19, 2008 14:07 by dvdrtrgn

Updated Code
Since the curly braces literally mean "evaluate my contents as a string"


"Have a play around yourself, remembering that you can 
print_r() or var_dump() the superglobal $GLOBALS
or even use get_defined_vars() 
to find out the variable names that have been created."


Revision: 7884
at August 19, 2008 11:42 by dvdrtrgn

Initial Code
Since the curly braces literally mean "evaluate my contents as a string" "Have a play around yourself, remembering that you can print_r() or var_dump() the superglobal $GLOBALS or even use get_defined_vars() to find out the variable names that have been created."

Or use your favourite PHP IDE and use the almighty debug prespective.

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
PHP Variable Names

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