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Revision: 67701
at October 17, 2014 23:02 by TheRabbitFlash

Initial Code
rotation = Math.atan( -mat.c / mat.a);
scaleX   = Math.sqrt((mat.a * mat.a) + (mat.c * mat.c));
scaleY   = Math.sqrt((mat.b * mat.b) + (mat.d * mat.d));

sign = Math.atan(-c / a);
rad  = Math.acos(a / scaleX);
deg  = rad * degree;

if (deg > 90 && sign > 0)
    rotation = (360 - deg) * radian;
else if (deg < 90 && sign < 0)
    rotation = (360 - deg) * radian;
    rotation = rad;
rotationInDegree = rotation * degree;

Initial URL

Initial Description
Used this snippet in various projects.

Initial Title
2D Matrix scale and rotation extraction

Initial Tags

Initial Language
ActionScript 3