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Revision: 67953
at November 6, 2014 04:49 by adambundy

Initial Code

add_filter( 'mce_buttons_2', 'acme_remove_from_kitchen_sink');
 * Removes the all but the formatting button from the post editor.
 * @since    1.0.0
 * @param    array    $buttons    The current array buttons including the kitchen sink.
 * @return   array                The updated array of buttons that exludes the kitchen sink.
function acme_remove_from_kitchen_sink( $buttons ) {

 	$invalid_buttons = array(

	foreach ( $buttons as $button_key => $button_value ) {
    		if ( in_array( $button_value, $invalid_buttons ) ) {
      			unset( $buttons[ $button_key ] );

	return $buttons;


Initial URL

Initial Description
Thanks to Tom McFarlin for this:

Initial Title
WordPress Remove buttons from the TinyMCE editor

Initial Tags

Initial Language