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Revision: 8171
at September 5, 2008 11:22 by kowalskg

Updated Code
def sortedCount = badSnpsMap.keySet().toList()
sortedCount.sort{ badSnpsMap[it] }

println ""
println "Bad SNPS       count"
println "-------------------------------------------------"
sortedCount.reverse().each { probeSetId ->
        println "" << probeSetId << "\t\t" << badSnpsMap[probeSetId]

your: 2for: 1
recipes: 1

Revision: 8170
at September 5, 2008 11:20 by kowalskg

Initial Code
def textCorpus =""" Look for the bare necessities The simple bare necessitiesForget about your worries and your strifeI mean the bare necessities Old Mother Nature's recipesThat bring the bare necessities of life"""
def words = textCorpus.tokenize()def wordFrequency = [:]words.each { word ->wordFrequency[word] = wordFrequency.get(word,0) + 1}def wordList = wordFrequency.keySet().toList()wordList.sort { wordFrequency[it] }
//#1 //|#2
def statistic = "\n"
wordList[-1..-6].each { word ->statistic += word.padLeft(12) + ': ' statistic += wordFrequency[word] + "\n"}assert statistic ==
bare: 4
necessities: 4
the: 3
your: 2for: 1
recipes: 1

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Exmple of Sorting a Map

Initial Tags

Initial Language