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Revision: 68079
at November 25, 2014 13:30 by zwidnypublic

Initial Code
// File: myscrapy/

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import scrapy    
class FundItem(scrapy.Item):                                                                                                        
    stock = scrapy.Field()  # 股票名称                                          
    deadline = scrapy.Field()  # 截止日期                                       
    fund = scrapy.Field()  # 基金名称                                           
    code = scrapy.Field()  # 基金代码                                           
    count = scrapy.Field()  # 持仓数量(股)                                      
    percentcir = scrapy.Field()  # 占流通股比例(%)                              
    svalue = scrapy.Field()  # 持股市值(元)                                   
    percentnet = scrapy.Field()  # 占净值比例(%)   

// File: myscrapy/
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 

from twisted.enterprise import adbapi    
from scrapy.utils.project import get_project_settings    
settings = get_project_settings() 

class FundPipeline(object):
    # The table you items.FundItem class map to, my table is named fund    
    insert_sql = """insert into fund (%s) values ( %s )"""    
    def __init__(self):    
        dbargs = settings.get('DB_CONNECT')    
        db_server = settings.get('DB_SERVER')    
        dbpool = adbapi.ConnectionPool(db_server, **dbargs)    
        self.dbpool = dbpool    
    def __del__(self):    
    def process_item(self, item, spider):    
        self.insert_data(item, self.insert_sql)    
        return item    
    def insert_data(self, item, insert):    
        keys = item.fields.keys()    
        fields = u','.join(keys)    
        qm = u','.join([u'%s'] * len(keys))    
        sql = insert % (fields, qm)    
        data = [item[k] for k in keys]
        return self.dbpool.runOperation(sql, data)

// File: myscrapy/
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    'myscrapy.pipelines.FundPipeline': 500,    

DB_SERVER = 'MySQLdb'            # For detail, please see twisted doc
DB_CONNECT = {    
    'db': 'finance',             # Your db   
    'user': 'root',              # 
    'passwd': 'root',            # 
    'host': '',      # Your Server
    'charset': 'utf8',    
    'use_unicode': True,    

Initial URL


Initial Description
To store you item into mysql database.

1. I say you have been have mysql database and the table what field is the same in item class that you wang to be stored
2. I just ensure you item insert into mysql, do not ensure the performance

3. Todo

    Abstract pipeline class

Initial Title
Scraped item to mysql in scrapy

Initial Tags

Initial Language