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Revision: 888
at August 19, 2006 06:19 by arcturus

Updated Code
//Bloqueamos la tabla
mysql_query("LOCK TABLES myTable WRITE");
//Hacemos el insert
mysql_query("INSERT INTO myTable ......");
//Obtenemos el id del proyecto
$result_id=mysql_query("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()");
mysql_query("UNLOCK TABLES");

Revision: 887
at August 19, 2006 06:07 by arcturus

Initial Code
//Bloqueamos la tabla
mysql_query("LOCK TABLES myTable WRITE");
//Hacemos el insert
mysql_query("INSERT INTO myTable ......");
//Obtenemos el id del proyecto
define('MY_ID',mysql_query("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()"));
mysql_query("UNLOCK TABLES");

Initial URL

Initial Description
Select the last autoincrement index from the last inserted item in a table.

Initial Title
Select index from last inserted item.

Initial Tags
mysql, php

Initial Language