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Revision: 68660
at February 6, 2015 22:41 by lanagio

Initial Code
Initialization and configuration:

//initialize instance
var enjoyhint_instance = new EnjoyHint({});

//simple config. 
//Only one step - highlighting(with description) "New" button 
//hide EnjoyHint after a click on the button.
var enjoyhint_script_steps = [
    'click .new_btn' : 'Click the "New" button to start creating your project'

//set script config

//run Enjoyhint script;

Initial URL

Initial Description
The new updated introduced auto scrolling to highlighted elements, possibility to hide 'next' and 'skip' buttons, add html markup in description, and more.

Initial Title
EnjoyHint 3.0 To Add Free Hints and Tips To Site Or App

Initial Tags
javascript, web, CSS3, Development, html5

Initial Language