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Revision: 9043
at October 18, 2008 12:30 by iTony

Initial Code
function file_intersperse_contents($szFilename, $szInject, $szFind) {
    // Check if file exist
    if(file_exists($szFilename)) {
        // If file exist
        // Get the content
        $szContent = file_get_contents($szFilename);
        // Replace the text
        $szReplace = str_replace($szFind, $szInject, $szContent);
        // Open the file
        $szFile = fopen($szFilename, 'w+');
        // Write the text into it
        $bWrite = fwrite($szFile, $szReplace);

        if($bWrite) {
            // If success, close file and return true
            return true;
        // If failure, close file and return false
        return false;


    else {

        die('File' . $szFilename . 'does not exist!');



Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Change line in a file

Initial Tags

Initial Language