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Revision: 69070
at April 14, 2015 08:58 by BDOGG32

Initial Code
Public Function CMA(vA As Variant, iSteps As Long) As Variant

    Dim row As Long
    Dim iRows As Long
    Dim dblSum As Double
    Dim vAVG As Variant
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    vA = vA.Value2
    iRows = UBound(vA)
    ReDim vAVG(iSteps To iRows, 1 To 1)

    For row = 1 To iRows
        dblSum = dblSum + vA(row, 1)
        If row >= iSteps Then
            If row > iSteps Then dblSum = dblSum - vA(row - iSteps, 1)
            vAVG(row, 1) = dblSum / iSteps
        End If

    'If Not iSteps Mod 2 Then
    ' Daniel Says:  This was my mistake.
    ' The above line of code uses logic that
    ' we would use with worksheet formulas.
    ' The below line of code is the way I
    ' should have written it for VBA.
    If iSteps Mod 2 = 0 Then
        For row = iSteps To iRows - 1
            vAVG(row, 1) = (vAVG(row, 1) + vAVG(row + 1, 1)) / 2
        vAVG(row, 1) = (vAVG(row, 1) * iSteps * 2 - vA(row - iSteps + 1, 1)) / (iSteps * 2 - 1)
    End If

    CMA = vAVG

Exit Function
    CMA = CVErr(xlErrValue)

End Function

Initial URL

Initial Description
Calculates the center moving average for a time period.  The vA requires a range or an array of numbers and the iSteps takes the number of periods in the timeframe (4 for quarters, 7 for weekly, ect)

Initial Title
Calculate the Center Moving Average

Initial Tags
code, function, excel

Initial Language
Visual Basic