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Revision: 9803
at April 27, 2010 14:20 by heislekw

Updated Code
' Text field
Me.RaceOther.Enabled = IIf(Me.Race = "Other", -1, 0)

' Text field with multiple criteria
' Because of the OR statement, it will always
' evaluate to True or False, so the IIf ... stuff isn't needed.

Me.txtColor.Enabled = (Me.cboColor = "Green" Or Me.cboColor = "Blue")

Revision: 9802
at November 23, 2008 10:47 by heislekw

Updated Code
' Text field
Me.RaceOther.Enabled = IIf(Me.Race = "Other", -1, 0)

Revision: 9801
at November 23, 2008 10:46 by heislekw

Initial Code
Me.RaceOther.Enabled = IIf(Me.Race = "Other", -1, 0)

Initial URL

Initial Description
Concise version

Initial Title
Enable/Disable control based on value

Initial Tags

Initial Language
Visual Basic