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apphp-snippets's Recent SnippetsTagged javascript

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This snippet code allows you to prevent the viewer from being able to right-click on your page. This can discourage the average user from borrow images or code from your site.
0 1233 posted 7 years ago by apphp-snippets
You know that iFrames are a necessary evil for many of us. When yuo put a third party site in an iframe is always a risk because they can break out of that iframe and redirect the visitor to another location. This code acts as a defense for such case...
0 1130 posted 9 years ago by apphp-snippets
Sometimes you may want to show the visitor that you are aware of their IP address. You can do so by using few lines of code as shown here. Place the code in any place of your page, where you want the IP address to appear:
0 1138 posted 9 years ago by apphp-snippets
This example of code allows you to create a new object in javascript (using simple inheritance) such that the class of the object is defined from a variable. After creating the object you may use it for your purposes.
0 941 posted 10 years ago by apphp-snippets
Sometimes you need the page dynamically changes a texbox with a dropdown box. On the example below we show you how to perform this work. The first way demonstrates how to do this with remove() and append() jQuery methods and the second shows how to p...
1 5129 posted 11 years ago by apphp-snippets
Class member encapsulation in JavaScript is very important thing and may be implemented with easy. To define private property or method just use var before the definition or this., if you need to give a public access to property or method.
0 1060 posted 11 years ago by apphp-snippets
You can put the user's cursor inside a text box or put focus on select box as soon as your page is loaded. This helps ensure that visitors do not 'overlook' an important form item on your site and this snippet only uses one line of code!
0 873 posted 11 years ago by apphp-snippets
This simple scripts show a possibility to call a JavaScript function that retrieves a variable passed from drop down box as a parameter and then the JavaScript redirects the browser to the variable that was passed to it.
0 1000 posted 11 years ago by apphp-snippets
This script informs your visitor that a given page may be reached only from the page that you specify. Paste this code before the ending <head> tag on the page:
1 935 posted 11 years ago by apphp-snippets
One of the important things about user input is to verify that the user has supplied the email that you have requested. The function below allows you to verify email address with easy.
1 1152 posted 11 years ago by apphp-snippets
The function that closes window is very useful when you use a pop-up window on your page, because it allows the visitor to easily close the window. You can also do it several ways: to use a button, a text link or make the window closes automatically...
1 1005 posted 11 years ago by apphp-snippets
You may perform this work with two ways: pass it directly like described in sample #1 or use an anonymous function like its shown in sample #2.
0 1197 posted 11 years ago by apphp-snippets
This function allows you to pass two variables that represent ID of two elements on your page. What you click on one of them it hide it and shows another one.
1 810 posted 11 years ago by apphp-snippets
Sometimes you have some information on your page and your visitors might want to copy it. The easiest way is to provide a mechanism that allows them to simply click a button to do so. You have to paste this code into the head of your web page:
0 1051 posted 11 years ago by apphp-snippets
This script informs your visitor that a given page may be reached only from the page that you specify. Paste this code before the ending <head> tag on the page:
0 1000 posted 11 years ago by apphp-snippets
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